Tuesday, 30 December 2014

Cergas Murni Interview Sucks!


I told you guys that I have an interview yesterday.

Well. I didn't remember when I applied that job. What can I say is Alhamdulillah. Praise to Allah.

Why? Did I get the job? No.. I don't think so. Then, why I say Alhamdulillah instead?

Because I am 100% sure I won't get that job. Because of these:

1. The place is very very far away from my house. 

Seriously? I never been that area before. Klang. Yes. I've been Klang before. But not at Teluk Pulai area. Seriously? That site area was so hideous. I have to pay 5 to 6 times toll to reached there. So, when I found that site, which clearly written Keller sign board at blue hoarding but the clerk that I call she kept saying blue cabin, blue cabin.. What??

They really didn't know how to give correct instruction to other people. I kept lost and lost. And when I reached there I enter the Chinese Temple instead. Battle with few dogs who kept chasing me. Dang!

So, Alhamdulillah if I didn't get that job. Seriously I don't want to drive 50km per way everyday!

2. Psycho Interviewer

Have you met a psycho interviewer before? Nope. Yesterday was my first time. Seriously. The interview was supposely start at 3.30 pm by Dato' title person. Well I don't want to mention his name here. Scared it's going to be a bad luck.  The interview was start on 4pm. Huhh? Where is your punctuality?

I thought Dato' or Project Director will not interfere with interviewing new employees. Well, I guess this kind of important person will sit in the office and only receive report from Project Manager. Am I right?? That is my experienced before in my previous Mega Project! So, this Dato' is the one who visiting site (maybe he's staying at the site whole time?) and he's the one who interview people. Can you imagine how serabut his mind?

So, back to my interview. I managed to end my interview session in 2 minutes time. 2 minutes!

Him: What's your name.


Him: Where your from.

Me: Sarawak

Him: Why not working at Sarawak?

Him: Why not working at Sarawak. Why working here.

Me: I prefer here. Working here since after graduation

Him: So why you want to work here. you hv better job before.

Me: I resigned recently due to health issue.

Him: What health issue? (With wide open eyes)

Me: I admitted 2 times due to lung infection. But I rest 3 months and now better health. (Ayat tunggang langgang sebab dia cakap tak tengok aku dan dia tunjuk muka tak minat langsung)

Him: You cannot work here. Here also dusty bla bla bla. If you working here after 2 days you will get MC. You are not qualified to work here. Thanks for coming. Have a nice day

That is how he end the interview session. Pathetic and full with negativity.

He's the doer. He will do everything from start to end. He will not trust everybody. He will sack you anytime he want. He's too sensitive to work at site construction. He need a P.A but he think he's not.

I just met him. But I can read him very fast. Shame on you Dato'.

3. Not a work friendly area

While waiting for Dato' to come, I saw attendance book. I was like.. Hurmm.. And then when I walk in to the cabin there's a clerk with sour face. I was like. Hurmm Am I going to see these faces everyday? But it was first impression though. I cannot judge simply like that. Ok.. Positive!

What I'm trying to mention here is. An engineer who come work early because of attendance book is not professional enough to see with. Engineer will work in flexible time. They might be working late. And they can't be expected to come early as clerk. But hey.. What ever.

Alhamdulillah I didn't get that job.

Conclusion is I have nightmare interview with Cergas Murni. My first bad impression with that company since I goggled them and found few bad news report regarding Jambatan Pulau Pinang runtuh. I don't know if the news true or false. But hurmm..

Dear Cergas Murni, find someone else that qualified and have time to interview people. I am not desperate to get that job. I just want to know what this company can offer me because I know I can do a very good job. Trust me. I just let Dato' push me down yesterday because I am pity of him. I'm scared if I answered him a lot more than he talk, he will get heart attack.

I have right to say anything I want here. Somebody need to get up and speak out loud. Dato' doesn't mean he's a God of everything. He's a human being. So every human being makes mistake. I forgive him and please change. Sit in the office and let subordinate work their own job!

The more you try to protect, the more people holding a grudge, the more your project failure.


Monday, 29 December 2014

New House, New Everything?


Our first house da siap pon. Da amik kunci pon last August. Tapi memandangkan sang suami baru balik KL pas outstation berbulan2 kiteorg baru start hire contractor untuk renovation.

Tak lah major reno pon. Just extend kitchen to yard area. Hurm.. Alang2 nak duduk bia renovate kasi puas sikit masak kan.. Walaupun dapur berasap kadang2. Haha

Info kat bawah bukan untuk bermegah. Tapi untuk panduan semua. Kot2 ade yang tengah mencari barang2 baru nak masuk umah? Sila kan copy lah..

Sempat lagi mak nak menulis blog. Pdahal jap lagi nk p interview. Heh.. Cerita interview kemudian hari lah..

1. House Renovation done by TS Design 

Contractor (Kelas ape tak tau) ni kiteorg jumpa kat area umahh gak. Biasa la kan mana2 area housing yang da siap mesti ade contractor yang bertapak kat area tu gak. Sebab dorng tau mesti ade umah yang nak buat renovation. So, ade la pekerja dia approach kiteorg. Ajak jumpa and bincang harga. Kami da jumpa few contractors before dorang nih. Tapi contractor yang lain sume over bajet kami. So, lepas bincang2 kami on je ngan dorng nih.

Total 42K. Including extension kitchen, kitchen cabinet full height, awning (7' x 7') TV cabinet, plaster ceiling whole house, wiring, concreting slab at yard area, grill powder coating. Maybe some points I missed here, but the major things are listed up.

We paid the deposit on October 2014. But the work started on December. Why? Some internal issues among TS Design which we as customer can't accept. We called the boss and threat him that we will change the contractor. Walllaaa after 2 weeks all renovation are done! Shoot. If only we call them earlier!!

So sekarang the progress is outstanding, They even work on Sunday. Better right! So, kalau korang rasa contractor korang melengahkan masa, speed them up by threaten them in any different ways!

2. New house need aircond

As for now, we don't use aircond. I mean the real one la.. Now we used mobilize aircond. Because we are renting, so malas nak tebuk2 lubang rumah orang. Even tho the landlord approve it, but malas lah.. Hehh

So, for AC, we only purchased 2 Nos. As we don't have any other people in the house except us, husband and wife. 1 AC for our master bedroom and another one for living room. For Master Bedroom we use 1HP AC and 2.5HP for living room. Husband aku takut panas. So living room tu dia beli yang horse power besar sikit.

AC kami beli kat D'Legend LCD & Hifi kat Jalan SS2/75. Dengar cerita barang elektrik kat sini murah2. Betul kot. Sebab kiteorg pon banyak survey dah.. Ramai sangat orang datang sini..

1HP Hitachi Inverter + Nano = RM1500. 2.5HP Inverter Panasonic = RM2980. Harga termasuk installation ye.

Aku terpaksa amik inverter sebab penah kena lung infection. Tak boleh kena habuk2 aircond nih..

3. New House need a fridge

Mengada2 je kan. Tapi tu la. Fridge sekarang ok lagi. Tapi rasa tak muat je. Dan pintu fridge macam dah loose sangat. Peti sejuk ni aku beli 2009 kot. Dah 5 tahun la..

Fridge baru ni kami beli tempat sama ngan aircond. Kat D' Legend SS2 gak. Murah dia bagi. Tempat lain kteorg survey mahal giler..

Ade ice and water dispenser. Laki aku suka minum berais. So pemilihan peti sejuk adalah berdasarkan selera dia. 

Oh.. tema umah kami adalah hitam putih. Untuk fridge ni dia cakap tinggal 1 pc. So amik je la. Asalkan bukan barang display. Pemilihan fridge jugak penting. Ade water dispenser yang kena sambung paip ikut belakang fridge. So, sebelum beli tanya2 lah ye. Kalau sambung paip ikut belakang tu leceh. 

Harga fridge ni 4k+.. Lepas tawar menawar se maximum yang mungkin. Kami try negotiate sebab kalau boleh brg tu adalah within our budget. Tak nak la beli fridge sampai 10K. kang beli tilam yang 100 je mampu.. Haha

Boss dia dan pekerja dia semua bagus2 sini.. Ko pakai selipar jepun pon dia anggap potential customer. Bukan macam kedai lain.. Bluerghh

4. New House need a hood and burner

Sekarang ni guna penunu bunsen yang cap Giant je. Dah ade rumah sendiri nak jugak la beli yang lawa2 sikit. Aku ni narrow minded. Tak terfikir sangat nak beli hood bagai. Laki aku la yang takut siling hitam dan rumah berbau dan berminyak. 

So untuk 2 benda ni kiteorg beli kat House Depot kat Persiaran Surian. Tak jauh dari Ikea la yang penting. Tak survey sangat benda ni. Aku tau brand Rubine je la. Tapi sampai2 sana tengok brand Fotile lagi macam gah la. Laki aku memang suka benda2 mahal nih.. Aku ikut je la.. Bukan aku yang bayarkan.. Hehhh 

Biasa laki aku pilih brand and dengar dulu penjelasan penjual tu. Function, advantages, then dia bagi option kat aku. Aku pilih yang mana nampak lawa je la.. Hehe 

Nampak tak perbezaan laki and pompuan situ. Haha.. Kami tak banyak bajet sangat untuk set memasak nih.. Bila penjual tu bgtau Hood + Burner + Oven da cecah 4 ribu lebih kami buat meeting jap. Haha.. Last2 amik Hood + 3 Burner je. Dapat la 2.5K.. 

Semoga rajin memasak la lepas ni.. Hehe

5. New House need water heater

Rumah sewa sekarang ni memang tak de water heater. So kami laki bini memang jarang mandi malam. Aku mandi la malam. Mandi kambing. Laki aku terus jadi kambing. Tak mandi kan.. Haha

Untuk water heater kami beli yang tak de pump. Sebab da plan nak beli pump untuk 1 umah. Kalau ikut pengalaman umah sewa ni. Umah 2 tingkat kan. Kat bawah air laju sederas air terjun. Kat atas mak aiii malu2 je nak kua. So laki aku tension je nak mandi kat bilik.. Dia lagi suka mandi kat toilet bawah. Tu lg 1 reason dia xnak mandi malam kot. Haha

Water heater kami beli kat House Depot ni gak. Brand Rubine RM249 each. So beli la 2. 1 untuk Master Bedroom. 1 lagi untuk toilet bawah. 

6. New House need water pump and sand filter

Haaa pump ni la yang aku maksudkan kat atas. Untuk menderaskan air kat atas and bawah. Renovation dah nak siap ni kena test dulu pump. Kot2 umah da siap nanti ade yang bocor plak. Kena test awal2 la..

Pump ni beli kat Kian Aik Home Gallery, Jln Putra Mahkota 7/6C, Putra Height. Kawan laki aku yang suggest. Dia cakap murah. Harga biasa2 je kot. Kami beli RM1450 termasuk harga installation la.

Benda ni tak compulsary la.. Cuma agak2 korang nak mandi puas2 boleh la pasang.. Sebab bila ramai orang datang umah, air kat atas jadi slow.. Kita tuan umah yang duduk atas ni jadi tension.. Hehe

Untuk sand filter ni ok gak nak pasang. Sebab area umah baru aku tu air boleh tahan kuning. So, nak lifetime warranty health, marilah pasang benda ni. Benda ni ade maintenance gak. Kena la alert bila nak wash filter. Bila nak tuka filter.. Sand filter beli tempat sama gak. Harga RM1400..

7. New House need Water Filter

Water filter je. Bukan yang main tekan2 macam Coway tu. At least boleh la buka paip terus minum. Hehe.. Sekarang ni sadis betul. Aku tak suka minum air paip yang dimasak. Bau semacam. So dah setahun lebih kami beli air mineral Giant or Tesco or sewaktu dengannya. Asalkn air mineral..

Laki aku malas dah nak borong air mineral. So dia beli je la benda ni.. Semoga kami sihat sejahtera lepas ni. Kami beli yang Gen Air Alkaline Bio Energy UF + UV. RM1200.. Semua harga2 ni lepas diskaun la.. Kedekut gak tokey kedai nak bagi diskaun. Lepas beli macam2 baru nak bagi.. Isk

8. New House need Ceiling Fan

Semua rumah memang perlukan benda ni kan.. Hehe.. Biasalah hujung2 tahun ni banyak kedai buat promosi ujung taun. So kami pon rajin la usha2 tempat2 tu. Tak jauh dari umah kteorang ade buat promosi ujung taun besar2an. Buy 1 Free 1. 

Ingatkan barang2 elektrik nak beli kat House of Lighting Puchong je. Tapi dah ade kipas Buy 1 Free 1 beli je la kan.. 1 set dapat harga RM299. 5 bilah kipas kot.. Brand Deka. So beli la 2 set..Dapat la 4 kipas. Untuk Master Bedroom and Living Room beli kemudian je. Beli yang lawa sikit. Hehhh

Ni kami beli kat BFO, Taman Perindustrian Kinrara. Tepi jalan heading to Puchong from Lebuhraya Bukit Jalil. Tapi sekarang dah tak de kot harga tu. Kena tunggu next promotion day la..

9. New House need an Oven

Inilah sebab kami datang ke Bath Factory Outlet, BFO TPK Puchong ni.. Sebab kat pamplet dia ade tulis oven RM999. Murah la tu kan. Normal price dia RM3299 kot.. Tapi brand Elba. Juga dibeli time promotion. Memang ramai sangat yang datang hari tu. Memang hari untuk membayar sahaja. Amik barang nya esok ari..

Oven ni aku tak rasa nak beli pon. Sebab laki aku bukan suka sangat makan kek. Macam la oven tu untuk kek je kan? Hehe Tapi bila ingat2 laki aku suka makan lasagna dan spagetti boleh la.. Beli je la.. Semoga rajin masak! Haha

10. New House need new mattress and bed frame

Haaaa yang ni tak de dalam list pon sebenarnya. Tapi aku yang ngade. Sebab aku rasa kami berdua bukan dalam comfort zone untuk Queen Size Bed lagi.. Haha.. Berhari2 aku menghantui laki aku dengan katil King Size. Bila dia da dihantui tu mula la survey tilam King Size. Haha

Mula2 tengok kat Harvey Norman. Buy 1 Free 1. Mak aiii.. Tergoda gak. Tapi sekarang ni da ade 2 katil Queen Size. Kalau dapat 2 lagi aku nak sumbat mana tilam2 yang ade.. Kat porch? Haha

Pastu depa kata boleh la beli 1 tilam free bed frame. Bed frame percuma dia sedih aku tengok.. Tak selera nak tido. Haha Last2 kami berlalu sepiii..

Lepas tu next week nya ade plak sale kat TPK Puchong. Aihhh.. Tengok harga sama ngan Harvey Norman. Brand sama gak. Tapi tak de Buy 1 Free 1. Hurmmm Cerita punya cerita dapat la bed frame dia bagi diskaun 50%. Kami beli kat Milano & Design brand Hilker. Tak kan beli kat BFO tilam2 tu.. Merepek dah tu.. Tilam RM3190. Bed frame RM1000. Dah.. Puas ati.. Haha

Tempat ni xde diskaun sangat.. So tak yah dok mencuba sangat. Aku frust tapi dah tergoda..

11. New House need curtain

Aku ingat nak guna je curtain dari umah sewa ni.. Yela dulu aku beli bukan murah.. Tapi laki aku yg akal panjang ni fikir la.. Kalau da cabut langsir sekarang ke rumah baru, rumah sewa ni tak kan telanjang. Haha betul jugak.. Bukan kteorg nak pindah on the spot pon.. Mesti nak pindah sikit2..

So, curtain hunting bermula. Ingat nak beli yang kat Ikea je. Tapi warna dia limited sangat. Plus kalau weekend ramai sangat orang. Lepas tu nak kena ukur sendiri. Lepas tu tak de orang yang nak di tanya. Kalau korang tau service Ikea cana mesti korang faham. Memang all info written tapi biasalah manusia.. nak senang je.. Haha

So kiteorang gi la Nilai 3. Mula2 masuk MK Curtain. Cerita la design cana.. Untuk living room je dia punya harga RM2000. Aku try mintak kurang la.. Dia boleh jawab ; Dia banyak customer lagi nak entertain. Fine. Kami pon blah. Turun bawah ramai lagi pekerja dok lepak and berlegar tak buat keje.. Baguslah kan macam tu.. Hurmm

Next, kiteorang gi la Star City. Dorang ade 4 kedai kat area tu. Kami pegi yang area 7-Eleven. Ramai yang tulis kat blog kain design kat kedai ni tak berapa lawa. Tapi murah. So kami try je la.. Oh, ade jugak berkenan di hati. Corak baru katanya.. Tapi yang penting langsir sini memang jauh murah dari MK Curtain. And penjual dia peramah macam sotong kurita. Hahaha

Untuk langsir 1 rumah, harga yang diberi adalah RM2800. Mintak diskaun RM2700.. Termasuk la design langsir living room bak istana kayangan, blind curtain 2. Blind curtain tu yang mahal.. Aku memang tak terfikir blind curtain sume ni.. Sume idea laki aku.. 

Malas nak pk lagi.. Amik je.. Plus siap sejam je.. Tapi kami amik esok ari nya. Malas nak tunggu.. Sebab dah penat.. Huhu

12. New House need Sofa

Hurmm.. Yang ni aku jugak menghantui laki aku.. Hahha 

Bajet tak banyak pon untuk sofa. Aku cakap ngan laki aku kita cari yang 2-3K je. Kat Milano & Design TPK Puchong tu ade sale katanya.. Tempat kami beli tilam tu la..

Bile sampai tak ramai sangat customer. Banner pon tak de.. Tapi da sampai pusing2 je la.. Ingat just nak cuci mata. Tapi tersangkut plak kat 1 sofa bentuk U.. Alahai...

Fabric Acacia Sofa. Tak serap air.. Tertarik kau.. Harga biasa RM8990. Lepas diskaun RM5990. Hurmm... Dah over budget sangat..

Hati dah tertawan sangat. But we left kedai jugak sebab nak tengok movie. Haha Penjual tu kata lepas tengok movie datang balik.. Before tinggalkan kedai tu sempat aku tegur kat laki tu knapa tak de banner depan kedai. Cana orang nak tau ade sale..

Lepas wayang laki kedai tu kol tanya nak amik sofa tak. So, kami pon g lagi kedai tu.. sampai2 besar punya banner dia gantung depan kedai.. Dia bgtau dia baru lepas gantung.. Haha..

Kiteorg buat meeting jap.. Hahha lepas tu amik je.. 

Nangesssssss... Tapi lawaaaaa...

Semoga dengan semua panduan di atas korang ambil iktibar ye.. Nak masuk rumah baru bukan murah. Lagi2 yang bernafsu besar macam kami. Kami beli barang kalau boleh 1 bulan 1 barang. Sebab kalau boleh tak nak berhutang. 

Aku harap tak de benda lain lagi yang dibeli. Major la.. Huhu

Tak sabarr nak tengok rumah baru.. Nanti mak update lagi. Nak study interview. Kena kerja kuat nih.. Nanti masuk umah baru tiap ari makan sardine.. Haha


Tuesday, 16 December 2014

Here and there


5th September 2014 - today. It's been 3 months and few days since I was officially being an unemployed married women.

My mind was starting to explode with the tiresome and bored staying at home. Tried to explore and start back my online business but I am lost!

Well, ramai artis dah bertudung and then start their own hijab business line. It was so frustrated.. Village people like me won't have a lot of chance to shine and sparkle out there. *Sigh*

Kalau la we all tak busy menghabiskan duit untuk rumah baru, dah lama pegi obersi ujung2 taun ni.. *Sob* After waiting for my husband back from his project (5 months! Cry), and finally we stay together, and now we have to berjimat to the max for house renovation and etc.. *Cry*

I know, Allah have better plan for us. Bersusah susah dahulu, bersenang2 kemudian.

Husband bought XBox 360 with Kinect last week at Pertama Complex. Macam kena pukau je duduk dalam kedai tu.. We cannot say no.. And their price is so cekik darah!For those yang berminat nak beli XBox 360, better cari kat Digital Mall P.J.. Way cheaper than Pertama Complex.

It's ok then. At least we have new hobby at home. It was fun tho. If only you play with your partner. Still, I don't want to be alone at home..


I'm in the middle of job hunting now. Please pray for my success. Waaaaa.. I don't want to stay at home anymore. Since we don't have kids yet.. It's better work and making yourself busy at work. Right??

Anyone have kerja kosong at your place? Please.. Hire me.. Waaaa

Monday, 8 December 2014

Isteri gila shopping online? Wajar kah di halang?

Salam semua..

Topik tak boleh blah kan.. Haha

Aku rasa terpanggil nak buat post pasal benda ni.. Since kejadian suami isteri gaduh kat FB Zalora, lepas tu Zalora bg stok setahun ke bini dia..

Aku addicted shopping online gak. Aku mengaku. Lebih2 lagi bila aku mempunyai gaji sendiri. Gaji engineer. Makan sorang. Tak de anak. So, agak2 korang lepas tolak saving, bg mak ayah, belanja adik kolej, dan bayar sume hutang, banyak lagi baki duit aku.. Lagi2 laki aku memang tak pernah heran ngan gaji aku.. So, haruslah shopping kan..

Kalau dulu banyak barang yang aku beli online masih tersimpan dalam kotak. Tak sempat pakai lagi da datang yang baru.. Husband aku plak slalu outstation.. Mana la dia tau umah dia penuh ngan kotak Zalora, Fashion Valet and etc..

Itu kisah bila aku bekerja dan mempunyai duit sendiri. Sekarang, lepas aku dah berhenti kerja (refer previous entry kalau nak tau kenapa) dan tidak mempunyai duit sendiri, baju harga RM70 dah mcm harga RM700. Before tekan Checkout tu berkira dulu, perlu ke beli baju ni. Bila nak pakai?Muat tak ni? Sesuai tak ngan aku baju tu? Macam2 soalan.. Sebab aku tau aku nk shopping guna duit laki aku.. Rasa tak best..

Berbalik ngan topik blog aku hari ini. Wajar ke suami halang isteri yang gila shopping online? Bagi aku WAJAR dihalang SEKIRANYA OVERDOSED! Well, aku tak tau la kisah para-para suami yang menghalang tu kenapa. Tapi, sekiranya si isteri beli online melebih2 sampai duit laki abis di kebas nya sampai makan minum pun tak cukup tu memang harus di halang la..

Kalau mampu tak pe. Serius. Mampu beli tanpa menggunakan duit laki. Yang mana gila shopping tu biar menggila. Tapi jangan sampai menyusahkan diri sendiri dan keluarga sendiri..

Untuk penjual online pun tak boleh disalahkan. Lebih2 lagi ujung taun ni.. Dorang tau ramai yang dapat bonus ujung taun, gaji naik la, so inilah masa yg perfect untuk buat sale ujung taun and sale Christmas..

Contoh nya ari ni je Zalora & FV anta email ade sale 75% & 15%. Tak ke banyak potongan tu? Hiu hiu hiu...

Ko tengok benda ni tak teruja ke??? Haruslah teruja...

Waaaaaaaaaa  korang boleh tahan ke tengok ni..

Tak cukup dengan email, dorang mesti anta notification kat apps handphone. Kalau korang ade install Apps Zalora kat henfon faham la.. Yang mana tbe2 kua notification pasal sale2 ni.. Sekali ignore boleh.. Kali ke-2 pop up pasal benda sale ni korang tak teruja nak tengok ape yg sale sangat tuh? Kui kui..

Sekarang ni semua di hujung jari.. Order makanan pun guna online je sekarang.. Tak yah kua umah bepanas and sakit kaki...

Terpulang kepada masing2.. Yang si isteri harus faham dan bijak berbelanja. Agak2 korang mampu membeli tu bia la berpada2. Kalau aku senang je.. Beli la banyak2.. Sampai je barang tu aku buang je kotak, Letak barang kat plastik Mydin or Giant.. Korang rasa laki korang tau ke korang shopping online? Hehe

Kalau mampu x salah nak menggila. tapi jaga lah hati suami dan orang di sekeliling kita. Kang di kata nya kita berduit nak shopping gila2 sebab kita ade bisnes jual dadah...

Tepuk dada tanya selera. Buat suami di luar sana, halang la isteri anda shopping sekiranya selua kecik anda di biar koyak, tapi kasut si isteri baru pakai sekali da datang kotak baru bertingkat2.. Haha


Sunday, 30 November 2014

Normal wedding couple life


Tajuk tak boleh blah kan.. Oh well.. My husband back to KL since last week after working for 5 months at Sabah for on-shore project..

Fuhhh.. Deep sighing. Hehe

Finally we are back to normal life where husband and wife stay together at the same house. Sleep in the same bed. And having dinner at home together.

After resigned from MRT project last September, my life getting lonely, depressed, wasting money, and I think I'm going crazy sooner. Haha

Bayangkan sebelum ni hidup sebagai engineer busy manjang. Call non-stop, meeting all the time and I have a lot of people surround me to talk to.. But now? Gosh..

My life is miserable. *Cry*

But since my husband around, my life is less miserable. Because I had a shopping partner!

So, last weekend we went to Encorp Strand for movies watching. Kenapa Encorp Strand?

Sebab ngam plak Ash Annas ade buat Sale Nangis Sampai Licin. So ingat nak cuci mata la.. Sampai2 kat kedai dia tak de orang baris. Ingat da smpai Seremban barisan dia.. Hehe

So naik atas tak rmai orang pon. Ade 2, 3 orang je.. Rupanya semua da serbu pagi2 buta.. Printed mermaid dia da banyak yang abis.. Haihhh..

Thank God aku tak baris dari subuh hening. Sebab printed mermaid, which I think very fabulous in picture was very see-through in real. Nipis. Kena pakai inner..

So, I took few pieces yang plain je la.. And managed to melantak cupcake yang dia served kat khemah bawah kedai.. Haha

Sampai kat wayang ade plak yang sama baju dengan aku. Tengok gamba kat bawah. Baju tu aku baru beli sehari before. Tak sempat basuh lagi.. Rupanya ade jugak yang sama taste ngan aku.. Haha

Wish you have a blast day of this month.

Till then.


Friday, 14 November 2014

Potential Customer

Hai semua.. Assalamualaikum.

Pernah tak korang mengalami situasi di mana korang masuk kedai. Then sales person dalam kedai tu wat bodo je.. Tak de interest/faedah/minat langsung ngan korang.

Kejadian ni berlaku ngan aku n husband la. Selalu gak la.. Tapi nak cte 1 kisah ni je la. Bukan niat untuk menunjuk or nak bgtau aku ni mampu. Hanya untuk bacaan korang dan pedoman semua.

Kami meluangkan masa hujung minggu nak beli brg2 masuk rumah baru e.g fridge, air-cond, dan sebagainya.. Masuk 1 kedai ni.. Cina la sales person nya.. Wat bodo je.. Bila di tanya pasal itu, ini, dia nak tak nak je jawab.. Yela.. Baju aku laki bini mmg boleh thn biasa2 je.. ngam plak laki bini suka pakai messy2..

Pas tu rasa mcm tak dihargai plak la.. Bila byk tanya di pandang nya kita atas bawah.. Fine la kan.. Baik kua kedai.. Masuk kedai sebelah.. Kedai sebelah sama gak.. Sales man cina gak tapi memang bagus gler.. Semua yang datang adalah potential customer bg dorang.. So, masuk je di tanya mcm2, tunjuk brochure mcm2, explain mcm2, tak tengok langsung ko pakai selipar buruk or baru.. Hasil nya semua barang tu kiteorang beli dari kedai dia.. Spent more than 10K jugak la..

Kesimpulannya di sini. Aku berharap sangat ade sales person yang baca post nih..

Banyak pepatah pasal benda ni kan. Contoh nya 'Don't judge a book by it's cover'. Be open minded. Treat everybody equally, not by how they looks like.

Tak semua rajin berdandan ble nak klua. Lagi2 orang yang profession like us. Engineer. Yang bini memang tak suka ber make up. Yang laki memang serabai la..

Be logic, grow up and think positively. Tu je yang korang semua patut buat. Tak yah pk orang yang pkai henbeg Channel tu semua authentic ke tak. Yes. Memang ade yang fake. Tapi kalau aku jmpa pompuan biasa2, selipar jepun, t shirt bodoh pakai beg Channel tak de la nak kutuk beg dia fake. Sebab appearance never told you the truth image about them.

Aku rasa terpanggil nak tulis benda ni sebab aku banyak kali lalui benda ni.. Sama gak la bila tengok orang tu happy je 24 jam. Dalam hati dia kita tak tau pe cte kan..

So, mari lah kita bersyukur dengan apa yang kita ada sekarang. Muhasabah diri sendiri. Buat kerja dengan jujur dan amanah. Makin lama duduk umah makin kuat aku membebel kat blog. Hehe

Live positively as much as you can. Laugh out loud as moderate as you can. Cry as max as you can only to Allah S.W.T.

Pesanan ikhlas dari Datuk dan Datin. Bye

Friday, 31 October 2014

Trip to Singapore for Zero Experience Human


Marked 24th October 2014, me and my siblings went to Singapore for the first time.

Singapore is very convenient and user friendly country! Most of attraction places they have was linked to their MRT. Thank God!

I booked hotel at Strand Hotel (Bencoolen St) through Agoda. Fast and very convenient hotel booking. Recommended! The hotel was very close to Bras Basah Station. For the time being there's some construction in-front of the hotel.

If you want to walk to the Bras Basah Station from Strand Hotel, walk through the Rendezvous Hotel and you will see the MRT sign 200m from the hotel.

Me and my sister boarding from KLIA 2 at 6.55pm. And it only took about 45 minutes to arrived at Changi Airport :) Happy me..

My big sister waiting for us at Changi Airport (Terminal 2: For Air Asia. Terminal 1 for MAS). Her flight from Kota Kinabalu took about 3 hours + and she arrived earlier than us.. And my brother waiting for us at Strand Hotel. I don't know how he checked in the hotel while the room was booked under my name. Maybe he brought printed copy of Agoda reservation hotel..

Let's talk about the hotel. The room is ok. Clean. Spacious. We don't utilized our breakfast coupon at the hotel as we are very concern about HALAL. They served bacon for non-muslim. But never mind then. I only have problem with the lady at the registration counter. She's about forties? I don't know. I do travel a lot for whole of my life. But I never facing this kind of person especially when you are working PR at the hotel. Please respect your customer lady. While you are talking bad about me, being racist to Muslim like me, please use other language than Chinese and English. Because I can understand both even I'm wearing a hijab. My mom is Chinese. And of course I can understand Mandarin. I complained and wrote a review about this to Agoda. Padan muka. Bye.

So, back to Singapore. I love Singapore. Seriously. We build a lot of good memories here. There's a lot of Halal food here in Singapore. We took Singapore new sim kad at Changi Airport and subscribe for 25$ internet. To avoid ourself being lost at this country :) Oh.. with 25$ you can used up to 14GB internet. So worth it! Especially when you travel in a group. Semua nak update FB & Insta masing2.. Hehe

On Friday, after arrived at hotel and eat Nasi Arab from Restoran Saba (I brought them all the way from KL!) we just straightly go to bed. Pegi negara orang.. And then sleep.. Haha

On Saturday, we're starting our tourist trip to Gardens by the Bay. From Bras Basah station, we go to Bayfront Station. You can buy the MRT ticket at the Generl Ticketing Machine (GTM). Please bring along small change. The machine only accept 1$, 2$, and 5$ money. For coins they accept all laa..

Us in front of Bugis Jucntion. You can buy cheap souvenier here. T-shirt, keychain, fridge magnet, etc..

At Bugis Jucntion. Tak tau la dia jual toy budak or toy adult. Hahaha Kedai tak buka lagi time nih.. Awal sgt kiteorg..

So, arrived at Bayfront Station, if you want to go to Gardens By the Bay, take the exit B and cross the Dragonfly Bridge. There's a shuttle and you can pay 2$ (return ticket) to go to the garden area. There's a Cloud Forest and Flower Doom (28$ for both conservatory area) for you to sightseeing. Tapi kan.. kan.. Better amik Cloud Forest je. Sebab Flower Doom tak brapa best. There's a waterfall inside the Cloud Forest. The weather inside is so cold and the view is so pretty here. Worth to try. Can purchase ticket from the counter.

Pretty right?? I know.. Must go here tau..

Kalau korang nak makan kat area Gardens by the Bay ni, ade satu je kedai halal. Info dari orang2 Islam yang kerja kat situ la.. Kat Texas Chicken. Boleh tanya orang2 situ mana Texas Chicken, Tak jauh pon.. Nak jalan kaki kat area bay ni pon boleh. Tak payah bayar 2$. Tapi kiteorg pegi tu noon. So cuaca mak aiiihhh panasss sangat. If you want to go to Supertree, it's nearby only.. Untuk orang2 yang sayangkan lemak and puteri lilin ni memang naik shuttle je la :) Last shuttle service at 5.30pm.. Shuttle ride tak lama pon.. 2 minute je kot.. Dia anta kat area conservatory. And hantar balik kt tempat Bayfront..

Lunch kiteorg kat area Bugis je. Long John Silver. The food is also Halal. The fish dori is so nyummy. But the portion is too little and small (abg aku kata). For us the ladies, the food is enough..

Don't worry. Singapore have prepared a lot of map and tourist guide info everywhere. 

And then we directly go to Raffles Place. From Bugis MRT station you can directly go to Raffles Place. Thank God we all dah lunch. The food and restaurant around here was so expensive. If you want to take picture with Merlion then you can stop at Raffles Place Station, and take Exit B. Please make sure you studied the map at every station you go. Find the correct exit to avoid you guys being lost and super tired.

There's a walkway directly to Merlion Park. So convenient and covered all the way. Merlion Park is signature of being in Singapore. Everyone who came to Singapore will take picture with this Lion :)
At least for us laa.. Korang tak tau la.. Haha

Small lion also available. At this moment the weather is freaking hot. With black blouse I'm wearing? I feel like my body was burning inside the cloth. Haha

Dah amik gmba ngan lion, terus balik hotel. Penat sangat! Trust me.. Spend 2 days at least to walk around Singapore. Cuaca panas. Nak pulun sume memang tak larat.

On Sunday, we went to Funan Digital Mall. Spent only 1 hour since we need to checkout and heading back to Malaysia. Sob sob..

Till then..


Monday, 13 October 2014

Pengalaman di Gold Coast Morib, Banting

Salam semua..

Tanggal 11 October 2014 baru2 ni aku pegi Gold Coast Morib kat Banting dengan girlfren aku. Bukan Gold Coast Australia k.. Yes. I am married. But I am not coming here with my husband..

Overall the experience is fine. Not up to excellent. Why? Because of these:

 1- Room is ok. With jacuzi inside. But..But when we open the sliding door (balcony), ewwww ade bau taik kucing.. Busuk sangat. And then sampai checkout la bau taik kucing tu terngiang2 di otak and hidung kteorg.. Hopefully GC Morib will do something with that.

2 - Parking lot is not enough. Ok. This problem have been issued to Agoda (since I booked the hotel through Agoda) and hopefully there will be a solution. Bila parking tak cukup, there will be people with their dumb and not connected brain cell, will take initiative to park everywhere they like! I was pissed off after check out the next day. Someone have parked their car in-front of mine without even thinking am I be able to drove out my car from that parking lot? Kalau aku drive kete kecik ari tu tak pe la.. Ini.. Aihhhh stress.. If they just left any phone number on their dashboard then ok la.. I can call them and ask them to move their bloody car! But they're not! I have to wait for an hour before the guard makes an announcement asking all driver to move their car from any illegal parking.. Shit..

3 - Limited games in water theme park. LOL. This is the worst theme park I have seen. There were like ermm 4 numbers of water games? Exclude the flying fox and ATV games. There will be extra charge for that games. But if you have kids with you, then all these games is enough to make your life easier. Haha you can sit in 1 place and monitor them easily.

Cukup la manabur keburukan. I have rights to say everything dissatisfaction about Gold Coast Morib right? We are customers.

 Pictures time.

Our room. Ade jacuzi. Functional. Fun!

Our breakfast. The place is crowded. The food is ok. 

My friend. I didn't join her. To avoid myself from getting admitted again :( So, I just became her photographer.. LOL

We accidentally found this area. After struggling search for parking. Before roundabout (inside gold coast hotel), turn left. There will be a 1 way road beside construction area. Just go straight and you will found this area. 

Can't stop taking pictures here. Especially through sunset time. So pretty.. 

It's a wrap! 

Till then. So sorry for makcik Avanza hijau. Which I know it's not her fault parking their car in-front of mine. I know it's her husband idea. But, since your husband is not around that time. I can't stop my anger from any dumb head founded in this world. 

It was a simple little things to think. Think logically. Think as a human being!

Am I going to come again here? Maybe no. Thanks. Bye

Monday, 6 October 2014

Bad Experience shopped @ Love Me Coach

Salam everyone.

Let me share with you my first experience shopped with this online seller ; Love Me Coach.

You can add her at FB: Love.Me.Coach or her instagram : lovemecoach. She probably sell Coach handbag.

Why I am so enthusiastic to write bad things about her? Let me use her, instead of Love Me Coach. Because the one who talked and handled and took my order is her, not the LMC. There might be more than 1 person in-charged for LMC? Who knows?

Here you go my stories.....

1 - On 5th September 2014 LMC uploaded new Coach handbag. As per shown in image below. So I text my sister as she's the one who interested with Coach handbag. She don't have instagram tho. So she expect me to purchase the handbag for her. Fine then. But it was my first time purchasing from LMC. I screenshot few handbag from LMC instagram and she pick this;

Read the details of the bag. It was READY STOCK right?


2 - I asked my sister to bank in the money through her account ASAP. Takut sold out. She gave me few account numbers for money transfer. So my sister did transfer the deposit.. Her accounts number as per shown below;

Now you can see her name. Haha I don't plan to hide or covered up her personal details here. I just have to. Because of my disappointing and frustration to her is a MAX!

3 - Order taken? Yes. She barely reply my Whatsapp properly. Well I guess she have a lot of customers to entertain in the same time. I didn't notice there will be same handbag name but different Style No for Coach! So I just text her I want the Coach Averly with British Tan color. BUT.. became a seller, don't you think you need to make sure what Style No of bag that your customer refer to right? You should know!

4 - Since the item is ready stock (I thought it was), I asked her again the next 10 days. And she said the item is not here yet. Well I guess there must be customs problem and some other things that cause it delay. Ok fine. I just wait laaa.. I asked her again after 3 weeks + and the answer is same..

5 - And then yesterday I asked her again. Since I was so doubtful with the 'Ready Stock' item took more than 3 weeks to arrived! Belah kanan is my text to her.. And her reply is on the left side. I was like.. WTF? If you really have a PMS then don't spit on me laaa.. She's really boiled me up last night. She's the most rude, kurang ajar, biadap,selfish, and stupid online seller!

She don't even know which handbag I refers with since the first time we make a deal.. Don't she realized she need a book to record every customer order details? Bullshit!

She was thinking giving back a refund is best way to solve a problem. What about apologize? Sori...sori...sori... Susah? I've been in this situation before and when I apologized to my customer, they just forgive me and permit me to replace the new one!! For God's sake. This seller sure have mentality problem.. Haha

Above image is the handbag that she THOUGHT I'm intend to purchase! Ewwwww No one will love that kind of design. I mean my taste la.. When I checked back her Instagram, this handbag was uploaded same day with the one that I want! How stupid is she, deal with her customer without asking which item the customer intend to buy?? So sad.. Same name handbag, same color but different Style No.

Ok. So, I thought after she refund the money, I will just shut her down from my life and of course boikot her from my online seller list! 

Can you see the transfer details she wrote? Refund Fussy Buyer? Fuck. I was soooo pissed off! That night is my first night for 2014 saying that curse word.. Damn it..

Is she that great? Did anyone know who is this lady? Did she really have a PHD or Doctorate in any course? Or maybe she had Permanent Head Damage. Poor her. Someone need to teach her how to talk nicely and apologize!

Dear 'her' I talked about or Love Me Coach shop, that first bad experience with you is so painful to think about repeatedly. So, I hope in the future, please treat your customer nicely and politely, Periuk nasi ko datang dari customer2 ok.

I won't recommend your shop Love Me Coach to my friends and family anymore. Being a pathetic online shop is so embarrassing as you don't really know what kind of customer you are dealing with..

Aku tak nyesal kutuk ko kat sini. Sebab ko memang teruk. So, readers, please avoid this online shop. Tak payah beli pon tak pe. Sombong sangat.




Till then. Bye.

Saturday, 13 September 2014

Live from Sabah.

Salam semua.

Semua dah sedia maklum. Aku dah resign dr company dulu.

The company is good. The bosses is so sporting and knowledgeable.

But my health is not allowed me to work there more longer.

So here I am. Spending my 'rehabilitation' at Sabah. Why Sabah?

Sebab laki aku kat cni. Duduk KL pn asyik bosan je duk umah sorang. Klua masuk shopping mall..

Menghabiskan duit dan minyak kereta :)

So far, aku da tak batuk. Dah tak suffer duduk dalam bilik ekon.

Alhamdulillah. Berkat medication dari Prince Court. Syukur la kan..

Since aku duduk kat Sabah ni. Tak boleh masak and whatever la.. Ari-ari pon tapau..

So aku da makin gemuk.. Hehe

My future planning? Of course I did some planning. But I don't know if I want to make it as my main income or as my part time.

Will let you know when I start with it laa..

But nowww... What I really want is.. Ermmmm

Korang tau tak pe bondo nih..

Aku pinjam gamba dari Google. Rupa dia ala2 mcm ni la..

Mempelam tumbuk ngan ikan bilis pastu tumbuk ngan bawang merah..

Kauuu sedap tuu...

Nafsu makan dtg... Aish..

Semoga aku di berikan hidayah utk menyelimkan badan..




Tuesday, 15 July 2014

Footballer, Actor, Actress and Famous Celebrity Hollywood amazing house!

Salam semua..
Korang pernah tak terfikir ape la orang2 kaya seperti pemain bola sepak dunia, pelakon terkenal dunia guna duit dorang yang berjuta2 tu..

Setiap kali dengar radio ade je kena sebut gaji dorang ni kena offer berjuta-juta lemon setahun kan?

Since aku baru je tengok match German versus Argentina tadi aku terfikir la bagaimana la rupa rumah si Messi tu.. Gaji dia boleh tahan banyak.. Pemain world kap kann..

So, sini aku list kan rumah2 pemain bola sepak yang femes, penyanyi yang femes.. Jangan terkejut nyah.. Punya la kaya dorang ni kan.. Isk...semua tak ikut urutan ok.. Ape yang aku trfikir nak tau aku just list kan je.. Tak de la no 1 tu mksudnya rumah plaing besar.. Kekeke

1. Lionel Messi (Argentina Footballer)

Bentuk rumah macam bola gak. Dah main bola yang buat dia kaya..

Image credit to Google.
2. Khloe Kardashian (Keeping up With Kardashian Show)

Dia ni adik beradik la dengan Kim Kardashian tu. Tak la se femes kakak dia..Tapi rumah dia boleh tahan jugak.. Mansion ni dia beli dari si Justin Bieber berharga 7.2 million. Convert la ke duit Malaysia.. Tak mampu mak nak kira nyahhh...

Image credit to Google.

3. Jennifer Lopez (Judge The Voice, Actress, Singer, Entrepreneur)

Rumah dia bapak la.. Erm.. Tapi memang dia deserve dapat rumah semerbak istana ni. Muka dia sana sini aku tengok.. Nasib baik dia tak jadi model toilet paper.. Kalau tak kat toilet pon aku tengok muka dia..

Image credit to Google

4. Christiano Ronaldo (Footballer Spain - Hensem lagi sexyyy)

Mamat ni memang banyak sangat rumah.. Korang google la kalau rajin.. ni salah satu rumah dia..

Image credit to Google
5. David & Victoria Beckham

Ni couple gila kaya lagi.. Konon nya rumah ni harga 40 milion da.. Lepas tu banyak lagi renovation. Sebab nak buat 2 bilik khas untuk kasut c biktoria.. Pastu buat lagi underground tunnel untuk laluan pekerja dia.. Pastu parking khas untuk si bekam punya motor and kete mahal.. Over kaya plak dorang nih..

Image credit to Google.
6. John Travolta. (Pelakon From Paris With Love)

Korang kenal tak sp dia ni.. Tak kenal google la muka dia.. Hehe Rumah dia siap ade parking kapal terbang tau.. Marvelessss

Image credit to Google.
7. Kimnye House (Kim Kardashian & Kanye West)

11 million house price. Semoga perkahwinan korang berkekalan lah ye..

Image credit to Google.
8. Mukesh Ambani (Indian Billionaire)

Mari lari ke India jap. kagum gila dengan architectural umah dan kekayaan manusia ni.. Boleh mencecah 21.5 Billion! Kauuu...kalau beli beras tak cukup letak 1 Malaysia ni.. Haha

Parking kerete underground - 6 tingkat, ade 3 helikopter, ade 600 staffs, bla bla bla.. Kalau di tulis tak kan habis... Kauuuuu bak sikit duit ko... Haha

Image credit to Google.
Dah la korang.. Aku malas da nak teruja sangat dengan kekayaan orang..

Korang tengok la nanti aku bubuh gmba umah aku plak.. Hahaha Celah gigi je la.. Tak berjuta ponn..

See ya


Thursday, 10 July 2014

Leaving the company


Tengok tajuk da mengeluh kan..

Oh well, I'm leaving the company soon. Maybe mid of August la.. Still waiting for HR to give me an exact date when is my last day here..

The decision is beyond my expectations. Seriously I really want (badly) to work here in a long time. This kind of opportunity is priceless!

I really learnt a lot of new things here. I never ever dream to leaving this company after 2 years working here. Being an engineer in this Mega Project.. Oh myy...

Tapi tu la kan.. Kita hanya merancang. Tuhan yang menentukan. Tuhan bagi rezeki melimpah ruah kat laki aku.. Maybe He want to balance our life circle, and I was given a Lung Infection, warded at hospital twice, and finally I really have no other option than concede to His planning. Allahuakbar

Hoping that my future life will be better than now.. I mean, semoga Tuhan kurniakan baby kpd kami.. Semoga aku di kurnikan kesihatan yang baik selepas resign. Amin.

What should I do after this? Jangan kan cari kerja.. Resume pon aku tak update lagi.. Serius aku tak de keinginan nak berenti kerja.. Waaaaaaa

Raya? Erm.. Baju raya pon tak de lg.. Tak de nafsu nak beraya.. Waaaa sebab tahun ni laki aku nak beraya kat kampung dia.. Hehe

Still in recovery phase. Semoga aku di jauhkan dari sakit2 ni.. I want healthy lungs please. Huhu

Till then.. Bye.

Aku blnja sekeping gmba la ok..

Sebelah kiri itu gmba lepas klua hospital.. Muka putih je.. Sebelah kanan muka time warded kt hospital.. Hitam muka.. Sebab aku keje site la...ari2 berpanas..sedut benda2 yg x spatutnya..


Wednesday, 25 June 2014

Another week of rest :)


I'm giving a week rest from work again, and...it's my pleasure though!

Happy? Yes! Tapi kesian kat colleagues aku terpaksa wat sume kerja2 aku la..

Sakit aku ni bukan aku yang minta. Mungkin ada hikmah nya. Aku pon tengok rezeki laki aku terlampau melimpah ruah this year.. Tapi Tuhan tarik plak nikmat kesihatan isteri dia..

Aku pasrah.

Laki aku tengah sibuk dengan projek dia kat KK. Since aku admitted ari tu dia balik la kejap. Aku dah try persuade dia tak yah balik.. Tapi dia tetap nak balik gak. Ngam plak dia ade meeting kt KL..

Ari ni dia balik KK dah.. Since aku cuti panjang, aku la plak yang kena melawat dia kat sana. Dahla nak pose. Boleh pose sama2 1st day pose nanti.. :)

Feast kat IKEA. Ambik kau.. Sakit kan.. Haha

Husband never failed to amazed me, never stop be patient with me, never failed to satisfied my craving. Syukur lah kan.. 

Semoga Tuhan bagi rezeki anak lepas kteorg balik dari Jepun. Kami tak desperate sangat. Sebab kteorg tau Allah sentiasa ade plan untuk semua umat dia.. So, stop asking me, bile aku nak ade anak???

Malas aku nak layan..Kikiki..

Aku da nekad nak resign. At least aku nak cri kerja yang banyak duduk ofis. Kesian kat paru-paru aku..

Aku pon asyik makan antibiotik and inhaler je.. I need to be healthy as normal!

Keje 0 satuuu!



Saturday, 21 June 2014

Warded again at PCMC :(

Assalamualaikum semua..

Baru keluar dr hospital 3 mggu lepas. lepas kerja balik seminggu, (1 week m.c given by doc), aku da terlantar balik di hospital. Gosh..

Ternyata aku tak mampu melawan ketentuan Tuhan. Sekuat mana pon kita, kalau dah ditakdirkan untuk jatuh sakit, sakit la kita..

Alhamdulillah kan.. Sakit itu kan penghapus dosa2 kecil..

Marked on 19th June 2014, I was admitted again at PCMC due to 4 continuous days high fever; temperature badan 39 - 42 degree celcius. High kan??

Aku dalam dilemma. Aku dah confirm my office mate, my colleagues, my superior and also my boss will disqualified me in their team :(

Sapa nak orang sakit dalam team projek Mega tu kan? Sob!

Tapi aku pasti.. Ketentuan Tuhan tu pasti ade hikmah nya..

Back to warded stories. Ari ni dah hari ke - 3 aku warded. Lepas je masuk demam aku pon abis.. Haha lawak betol.. Tapi itu pon lepas NaCl (air drip) tu msuk ke dlm bdn aku..

Lepas je drip tu di cabut, sebab doc nak tgk aku demam semula tak.. Nah.. Badan aku panas semula..

Aihh.. Padahal aku baru je di bagi antibiotik liquid..

Semoga aku sihat dengan segera.. Mak aku sampai Isnin ni.. Kalau aku masih warded, mesti dorang risau.. Huhu

Doakan aku please. Tq

Monday, 2 June 2014

Anniversary Celebration at Prince Court Medical Center

Assalamualaikum semua,

Aku punya 3rd anniversary kat PCMC.. Sob sob..

As you all know that I was admitted at PCMC on 30th May 2014 - 1st June 2014. M.C will extend until 6th June 2014.

It was officially admitted as I went myself to PCMC, met with respiratory specialist and he turn me in!


I have 2 different 'diseases' for this past few months.. First one is my skin (refer to my previous entry la), and second one is my long time coughing.

Malam 29th May 2014 tu aku tak boleh tido sangat.. Batuk, batuk and batuk sampai terkencing2.. Bangun pagi tu, kepala berat, badan panas and hidung tersumbat.. Tapi aku tak kabo pon ngan laki aku.. Aku cuma bgtau dia aku nak M.C..

Actually it was not the first day I have that kind of fever.. Almost everyday! Ko tahan ke tak tahan mcm tu? Mn nak pk kerja lg.. Tak kan nk M.C je tiap ari kan??

So I was thinking, alang2 aku tgh busy appointment ngan dermatologist specialist, baik aku ssettlekan skali maslah batuk aku kat PCMC..

So, aku pon pegi la mintak referal letter dari Klinik Perdana and straight away go to PCMC..

At that time I didn't even think about how much money I had, in order to get medication at PCMC.. Shame on me kan.. Aku confident sebab aku tau aku bakal mintak duit laki aku.. Haha

I went straight to Emergency Department and they send me to Respiratory Specialist..

Kena register dulu la kan.. Outpatient counter.. Nasib aku da ade rekod kat PCMC.. Easy for me.. At that time I chose payment method; 'Self Pay'.. Malas nak cuba insurans punya as both insurances covers for admission.. Damn it kan..

Room Rates at PCMC.. Baru kot.. 
 So, lepas jumpa dengan Respiratory Specialist; Dr Daniel, which is veryyyy nice person, dia advice aku buat X-Ray untuk lung.. Sebab aku bgtau aku da batuk more than 6 months..

Lama kan? Indeed! Not that I didn't do anything to sort it out but I almost get same answered from all clinics! Shit! They said it's normal.. They said I have asthma???? Hell no!

So, after done with X-Ray, he said I have Lung Infection! For God sake! I've been carrying a dust in my lung for all this time! Hahaha

So, he said unfortunately I have to be admitted for few days at PCMC.. What a pleasure!! Finally somebody care about my coughing and my strange sound from my lung! Huhu I lebiu la Dr Daniel!

So, admission process tooks about few hours and I get a standard room which I don't even think that I'm at the hospital. It was looks like a 3* hotel though!

My bed, my sofa bed for husband

Huge toilet and bathroom.. With toiletries kit inside!

My very earliest visitors! Thanks guys; my ex-boss & ex-colleagues!

So, first day I received my nebulizer and few pills.. Benda paling aku selesa kat wad PCMC adalah hospitality dan environment kat PCMC mmg kelasssss.. You get what you paid! Seriously! 

Aku tak boleh imagine duduk dalam wad yang penuh orang, semua katil penuh ngan sanak saudara.. Aku ni sedara jauh kat Sarawak.. Sobs.. Husband was so satisfied with the room also.. Laki aku kan suka privacy.. Haha

The food here at PCMC also marvelous and super nyummy!

 So, untuk menu makanan, there's a guy that will knock your door and take an order on what food you want to eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner based on your type of diet. Mine is "Regular Diet'.. I even can eat steak and ice cream! LOL!!

Punya malu kan.. Tapi makanan dia memang banyak choices and puas hati.. Tengok gamba makanan kat atas tu, chicken teriyaki is the best!

Since husband aku memang nak kena pegi KK ahad tu, 1st June 2014.. Aku ingat nak discharge je.. Kesian laki aku.. Tak kan nak delay kan flight semata-mata aku kan.. Aku pon tension tengok dia dok jawab fon tak berenti2..
Dr Daniel suggest me to do the CT Scan & Ultrasound 

Dari ujian darah aku liver aku mcm ade problem ckit.. Tu yang Dr Daniel mintak aku buat Ultrasound bagai.. Aku suka... Tolong la insurance cover.. Haha 

So, petang Sabtu tu Dr Daniel dtg jumpa aku kat ward and cek ape yang patut.. He told me he will not available for few days at PCMC and his colleague will incharge..

Aku tanya la kalau nak discharge boleh ke.. Dia ckp boleh je.. Damn it.. Jackpot la kan.. Aku bukan teruk sangat pon.. As long as I know what is the root cause of my sick then I will choose to rest at home la..

Nak discharge punya lama..Sampai kan aku di suruh balik dulu sebab Guarantee Letter dari insurance tak settle2 lagi..

Suck kan.. Bayar sendiri lagi best..Kalau mampu la.. Hahaha

Souvenier dari PCMC.. 1 bag!

So, sekarang aku dok rumah je la.. Kalua klua pon aku elakkan pegi mall yang crowded.. Indoor je..  Sementara tunggu Allergic Test Result..

Insurance won't cover Allergic Test at hospital and it was cost RM500+..  Since I have to do that test, and agreed by husband to proceed (need his approval as he's the one who pay!) I just need to wait the result next week.. 

My next appointment with Dr Daniel is next Friday! More consultation fees to pay! Yeay~ If you want to be healthy, please do not be so cheapskate! Trust me, I paid thousand ringgit to see specialist at Normal Clinic out there and they only can reduce the pain, not cure the sick! Please go straight to hospital guys! Don't wasting your money if you think normal clinic can't help it!

Till then, love PCMC!