Tuesday, 30 December 2014

Cergas Murni Interview Sucks!


I told you guys that I have an interview yesterday.

Well. I didn't remember when I applied that job. What can I say is Alhamdulillah. Praise to Allah.

Why? Did I get the job? No.. I don't think so. Then, why I say Alhamdulillah instead?

Because I am 100% sure I won't get that job. Because of these:

1. The place is very very far away from my house. 

Seriously? I never been that area before. Klang. Yes. I've been Klang before. But not at Teluk Pulai area. Seriously? That site area was so hideous. I have to pay 5 to 6 times toll to reached there. So, when I found that site, which clearly written Keller sign board at blue hoarding but the clerk that I call she kept saying blue cabin, blue cabin.. What??

They really didn't know how to give correct instruction to other people. I kept lost and lost. And when I reached there I enter the Chinese Temple instead. Battle with few dogs who kept chasing me. Dang!

So, Alhamdulillah if I didn't get that job. Seriously I don't want to drive 50km per way everyday!

2. Psycho Interviewer

Have you met a psycho interviewer before? Nope. Yesterday was my first time. Seriously. The interview was supposely start at 3.30 pm by Dato' title person. Well I don't want to mention his name here. Scared it's going to be a bad luck.  The interview was start on 4pm. Huhh? Where is your punctuality?

I thought Dato' or Project Director will not interfere with interviewing new employees. Well, I guess this kind of important person will sit in the office and only receive report from Project Manager. Am I right?? That is my experienced before in my previous Mega Project! So, this Dato' is the one who visiting site (maybe he's staying at the site whole time?) and he's the one who interview people. Can you imagine how serabut his mind?

So, back to my interview. I managed to end my interview session in 2 minutes time. 2 minutes!

Him: What's your name.


Him: Where your from.

Me: Sarawak

Him: Why not working at Sarawak?

Him: Why not working at Sarawak. Why working here.

Me: I prefer here. Working here since after graduation

Him: So why you want to work here. you hv better job before.

Me: I resigned recently due to health issue.

Him: What health issue? (With wide open eyes)

Me: I admitted 2 times due to lung infection. But I rest 3 months and now better health. (Ayat tunggang langgang sebab dia cakap tak tengok aku dan dia tunjuk muka tak minat langsung)

Him: You cannot work here. Here also dusty bla bla bla. If you working here after 2 days you will get MC. You are not qualified to work here. Thanks for coming. Have a nice day

That is how he end the interview session. Pathetic and full with negativity.

He's the doer. He will do everything from start to end. He will not trust everybody. He will sack you anytime he want. He's too sensitive to work at site construction. He need a P.A but he think he's not.

I just met him. But I can read him very fast. Shame on you Dato'.

3. Not a work friendly area

While waiting for Dato' to come, I saw attendance book. I was like.. Hurmm.. And then when I walk in to the cabin there's a clerk with sour face. I was like. Hurmm Am I going to see these faces everyday? But it was first impression though. I cannot judge simply like that. Ok.. Positive!

What I'm trying to mention here is. An engineer who come work early because of attendance book is not professional enough to see with. Engineer will work in flexible time. They might be working late. And they can't be expected to come early as clerk. But hey.. What ever.

Alhamdulillah I didn't get that job.

Conclusion is I have nightmare interview with Cergas Murni. My first bad impression with that company since I goggled them and found few bad news report regarding Jambatan Pulau Pinang runtuh. I don't know if the news true or false. But hurmm..

Dear Cergas Murni, find someone else that qualified and have time to interview people. I am not desperate to get that job. I just want to know what this company can offer me because I know I can do a very good job. Trust me. I just let Dato' push me down yesterday because I am pity of him. I'm scared if I answered him a lot more than he talk, he will get heart attack.

I have right to say anything I want here. Somebody need to get up and speak out loud. Dato' doesn't mean he's a God of everything. He's a human being. So every human being makes mistake. I forgive him and please change. Sit in the office and let subordinate work their own job!

The more you try to protect, the more people holding a grudge, the more your project failure.


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