Thursday, 10 July 2014

Leaving the company


Tengok tajuk da mengeluh kan..

Oh well, I'm leaving the company soon. Maybe mid of August la.. Still waiting for HR to give me an exact date when is my last day here..

The decision is beyond my expectations. Seriously I really want (badly) to work here in a long time. This kind of opportunity is priceless!

I really learnt a lot of new things here. I never ever dream to leaving this company after 2 years working here. Being an engineer in this Mega Project.. Oh myy...

Tapi tu la kan.. Kita hanya merancang. Tuhan yang menentukan. Tuhan bagi rezeki melimpah ruah kat laki aku.. Maybe He want to balance our life circle, and I was given a Lung Infection, warded at hospital twice, and finally I really have no other option than concede to His planning. Allahuakbar

Hoping that my future life will be better than now.. I mean, semoga Tuhan kurniakan baby kpd kami.. Semoga aku di kurnikan kesihatan yang baik selepas resign. Amin.

What should I do after this? Jangan kan cari kerja.. Resume pon aku tak update lagi.. Serius aku tak de keinginan nak berenti kerja.. Waaaaaaa

Raya? Erm.. Baju raya pon tak de lg.. Tak de nafsu nak beraya.. Waaaa sebab tahun ni laki aku nak beraya kat kampung dia.. Hehe

Still in recovery phase. Semoga aku di jauhkan dari sakit2 ni.. I want healthy lungs please. Huhu

Till then.. Bye.

Aku blnja sekeping gmba la ok..

Sebelah kiri itu gmba lepas klua hospital.. Muka putih je.. Sebelah kanan muka time warded kt hospital.. Hitam muka.. Sebab aku keje site la...ari2 berpanas..sedut benda2 yg x spatutnya..


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