Saturday, 26 November 2016

Working mode on

Assalamualaikum semua.

Yeah. You hear me. I'm back to the railway track! Now I am working back at my lovely company. MMC-Gamuda!

Getting my second chance working here. God! I miss working so much!

The opportunity came when my hubby decided to accept an offer working for a year (hope so) at Miri's branch. Leaving his beautiful wife behind. Yeahh business still going on. But I found that business is not that challenging in physical side. Business is all about money. Money,money, and money. How are you going to manage the capital, profit, and staffs!

So, after my husband left me for a month. I tried contact my ex-colleague and she said there's an opening for few posts at MMC-Gamuda. Gosh. I was thinking. Am I fit enough to work again as an engineer? Am I still had that knowledge in site operation? And the most important thing, will my boss agreed to re-hire me again?

But I did not feel ashamed with this re-applied job because I quit the company because I'm sick. I'm getting infected because of my work and I don't want my colleague holding my workload any longer.

Even after I quit, I did not apply job to another company. I was so loyal to MMC Gamuda back then. So, after I sent my resume to my boss and he directly send it to HR department, they were asking me to do the medical check up first due to my lung infection before. Am I fit to work or not. You bet.

Alhamdulillah. My medical check up shows that I am perfectly fine now! So, after few days, they called me and asking me when I'm going to start working. I was quite shocked cause I will not require any interview session. Yippie!

So I told them that I want to start on 1st November 2016. I remembered that day when they call me, I was at hospital, accompany my mother for her monthly check up. I was not clearly listen when the HR admin call me asking for salary arrangement. I just say yes and yes. I should asking more! Yeah I know that.

So, on 1st November I started my first day until now. Alhamdulillah. Couldn't say more about this. I know that working always makes me happy!

1 picture for you all. Hiks

No matter what you plan for your future. You will be amazed on how Allah put things our life in order. Always be grateful and Thank You Allah!

Monday, 17 October 2016

Trip ke Miri 2016

Salam semua.

Sunyi sepi. I know. Not really busy but I have nothing to say here. Since I was unemployed for 2 years.

Alhamdulillah. Starting this coming November I will start working again. Same company and same job. Syukur. Only God knows how I miss working so much!

So, since last August my husband have been transferred to Miri. I didn't complained much about it since Miri is very close to my hometown. I know I always have a reason to go back to my hometown one day.

Indeed it was true! Sekarang ni pegi Miri je singgah dulu Limbang. Visit my parents and buy groceries for them. It was a blessed!

So last week, which is few days ago I went Miri again. Visit my lonely husband and he brought me to this famous beach at Miri. I am Sarawakian but I never knew this place is exist. Gosh!

The place was so pretty and clean! I've been a few beaches at Peninsular before but I guess this Tusan beach is way to pretty that I ever met!. If you stopping by at Miri, make sure you visit this beach ok? It took us about 30 minutes from city.

Stop being serious and get beautiful shot here.. 

I feel like we're having a shoot for Descendant Of the Sun ; Malay Version. ;p

It's not a candid. But a friend of him was talking to us while the camera was on 8 seconds timer.

Yeah. I wear a wrong shoes on that day. That's the only heels that I wear from KL for 2 days trip. Be careful while stepping down to the beach. 

There's a cave behind us. But full with liquor and beer and rubbish =(

It's #followmeto pose with hubs. Poyo ok. Bye

Signature pose in front of the sign. People will trust me right? 

And. You have to try this whenever you come to this place! This thing is way far better than Sangkaya at KL. And it only cost you RM6 for 3 scoops ice cream. So nyummy!

This is our first time coming here. If you have a Waze Apps in your phone, make sure you search for Tusan Beach. We are using it too. Alhamdulillah. The journey was ease and well. 

So, place to go when you are in Miri. Tusan Beach!

I hope you understand this post very well.

Till then. See ya.

Tuesday, 28 June 2016

Pinjaman Tekun untuk Perniagaan - Alhamdulillah

Salam semua.

Aku mulanya tak nak pinjam2 duit untuk bisnes. Tapi sejak mula puasa butik aku dihujani dengan customer yang Alhamdulillah ramai sangat.

Aku baru start offline business ni 1 Ogos 2015. Selepas aku decide dah tak nak kerja forever. Masa tu aku tau kewujudan butik macam cendawan tumbuh pas hujan.

Tapi aku bisnes ni bukan baru lagi.. Dari 2012 lagi aku start bisnes online. Tapi tu la.. On off je.. Sebab bila makan gaji as engineer plak, bisnes terus aku lupakan.. Muahaaahaha

So, dipendekkan cerita. Aku memerlukan 1 lagi mesin jahit tepi. Jahit tepi halus. Sekarang ni ade dah mesin jahit tepi biasa. Tapi kalau asyik tukar tapak takut rosak plak..

Tambahan pulak ramai customer datang minta tudung jahit tepi halus.. Lagi aku memerlukan dana untuk renovation kedai. Tapi renovation ni tak la urgent sangat. Tapi besi gantung baju semua dah tercabut kat kedai. Aku pasrah je cari solusi lain. Bagi aku biarlah renovasi kedai ni aku buat guna keuntungan bisnes nanti..

Aku apply Pinjaman Tekun 9 May 2016. Aku siapkan paperwork sekali sebab amount yang aku nak pinjam adalah 50 ribu. Paperwork aku buat berdasarkan contoh yang ade kat Google. Aku combine semua idea. Semua info. Alhamdulillah paperwork aku diterima dengan baik.

Pada mula nya aku pegi Tekun bahagian Seri Kembangan (2 May 2016). Tapi disebabkan tempat perniagaan aku di sempadan Subang Jaya, aku terpaksa pegi Tekun Bahagian Kota Raja. Borang latest kena ambik dari Tekun. Aku download dari internet tapi pegawai tekun kata borang aku tu borang lama. So kena isi baru. Semua dokumen yang diperlukan korang kenalah sediakan. Ikut checklist yang disediakan oleh pihak Tekun.

Jangan lupa minta tandatangan pegawai UMNO bahagian dan ahli AJK Tekun. Nak seribu daya.. Tak nak seribu dalih k.. Kena rajin ke sana ke sini. Alhamdulillah bagi pihak aku semuanya berjalan lancar. Selepas dapat semua tandatangan (kena buat appointment dulu ngan AJK Tekun), 9 May 2016 aku pon submit kat Tekun Kota Raja. Dorang check terus borang dan dokumen cukup tak.. Dah cukup dalam masa 7 hari bekerja dorang akan datang ke premis perniagaan untuk pastikan perniagaan kita wujud tak.

Alhamdulillah pegawai Tekun datang kedai aku lepas 6 hari bekerja. Dan dia cakap dalam masa 21 hari bekerja akan dapat kol dari HQ Tekun untuk pengesahan. 10 June 2016 HQ Tekun kol untuk pengesahan dan tanya ape yang patut. Time dorang kol tu aku tengah layan customer. Sampai customer aku merajuk. Sebab aku pentingkan fon. Hahhaha pas tu aku panggil dia balik. Aku bagi diskaun kaw kaw..

So lepas HQ kol dia cakap tunggu kol dari Tekun bahagian untuk tau berapa pinjaman approved. Alhamdulillah 21 June 2016 Tekun Kota Raja kol yang aku punya Tekun dah di approved. Walaupun tak sampai half yang aku mintak tu dapat.. Haha

Aku buat appointment g ofis dorang 23 June 2016. Sign agreement dan yang paling penting kena bawa waris sorang. Aku gigih suh adik aku balik KL sebab laki aku outstation. Haha

Dan hari ni 28 June 2016 duit da masuk kat akaun. Syukur sangat. Sebelum ni banyak baca tentang pinjaman tekun 4,5 bulan pon tak dapat2 lagi. Berikut merupakan perjalanan pinjaman Tekun aku.

9 May 2016 - Hantar permohonan lengkap dengan paperwork

16 May 2016 - Pegawai Tekun datang premis buat pengesahan wujudnya perniagaan.

10 June 2016 - HQ Tekun wat pengesahan via phone.

21 June 2016 - Tekun bahagian kol suh datang sign agreement

23 June 2016 - Sign Agreement dan sediakan 12 keping cek. Post dated cheque.

28 June 2016 - Duit masuk ke akaun syarikat

Begitulah kisahnya. Semoga selepas ni Tekun akan memberi peluang lagi dengan aku. Jangan risau payment mesti cantik k..

So, korang kalau nak wat pinjaman pastikan semua dokumen cukup dan lengkap k..

Friday, 6 May 2016

Apply lesen perniagaan butik

Salam semua.

Buat yang masih blur cana nak dapatkan lesen perniagaan dari Majlis Perbandaran, meh aku cerita..

Aku pon tengah buat untuk Lesen Perniagaan Butik Roses aku kat Giant Putra Height tu.

Dulu aku dah bayar untuk runner buatkan lesen majlis tu. RM500 aku bayar kat dia.. Bayar bodo-bodo je.. Last-last kena pegi buat sendiri..

Padahal kalau korang pegi sendiri as an owner or kalau nak suh pembantu ke sape-sape yang free tolong buatkan pon boleh.. Kalau owner sendiri pegi tak yah buat surat la.. Kalau suh orang lain pergi korang buat je surat perlepasan kuasa untuk buat lesen. Subjek: Permohonan Lesen Perniagaan Butik Roses.

Pandai pandai la buat surat perlepasan kuasa tu. Tak yah surat berderet panjang pon.. Sikit sikit je..

Ok.. Balik dengan kisah aku pegi MPSJ. Aku bisnes area Subang Jaya. So kena la pegi MPSJ. Ikut la bandar mana korang duduk berniaga.

Kalau nak pegi sekali je pastu siap serta merta, korang bawa la semua dokumen. Dokumen yang diperlukan:

1 - SSM Perniagaan.

2 - Gambar ukuran passport owner

3 - Borang MPSJ untuk permohonan lesen perniagaan dan iklan siap diisi. Make sure korang tau signboard korang tu ade lampu tak..

4 - Dokumen Tenancy Agreement - STAMPING dah ok.. Stamping TA kat LHDN. Bayaran adalah mengikut berapa rate sewa korang sebulan. Aku punya murah je ari tu.. RM107 kot.. TA korang tu kalau da dapat terus stamping. Kalau lama sangat nanti kena penalti dek LHDN. Penalti LHDN tak la banyak sangat.. RM5 je..

5 - Layout lokasi. Pendek kata semua yang berkaitan lokasi, sewa tapak, perjanjian sewa beli bawa je..

6 - Gambar kedai, gamba signboard dan gambar lokasi semua kena ade. Kena berwarna la..

7 - IC owner.

8 - Aku tak ingat. Kalau boleh download kat MPSJ website borang depa nih.. Kol la minta email ke..

Da cukup semua bwa la pegi MPSJ. Ambik nombor kena beratur. Kecuali ko OKU, Warga Emas and Wanita Mengandung.

So aku bawa semua dokumen cukup cukup. Kat kaunter dia tanya nak buat lesen baru or lesen serta merta. Aku jawab la nak lesen serta merta..

Aku tanya la berapa kos nak buat lesen tu.. Dia cakap tak yah bayar dulu. Tak yah bayar.. Aku dah blur. Bila masa plak buat lesen FREE nih.. Rupanya kalau korang apply untuk Lesen Baru. Lepas 2 minggu baru siap lesen semua baru bayar kot.

Aku jawab la nak lesen serta merta. Sampai bil RM960. Mau tergolek aku tengok. Dahlah tak bawa kad. Rasa nak hempuk gak orang kat kaunter tu. Tak yah bayar ape nya.. Dahlah kalau korang ambil permohonan lesen serta merta, kena bayar tang tu gak. Kena bayar hari tu, tarikh tu gak..

Tension. Ngam plak aku buat time orang nak rehat sembahyang jumaat. Aku balik la gi rumah ambik kad aku. Dah sampai MPSJ balik da tutup. Ape ke jadah nya..

Sekarang ni aku tak tau la status lesen aku.. Waaaaaaaaa

Isnin ni kena kol la MPSJ. Rasanya 2 minggu lagi baru boleh dapat lesen tu..  Sway betul.. So, sebelum korang apply lesen serta merta, check dulu ada bawa duit cukup takkk..

Nanti ade berita aku update sini.. Harap tak kena blacklist la. Ingat MPSJ tu dekat ke.. Waaaaaaaa

Sunday, 3 April 2016

Looking for right business partner

It's about time to split my business mind to another person. Not that I get tired with my own business, but I really need someone's opinion. Other's creative thinking about how to increase our sales, managed the business passionately as much as I can. The 'one' that I can share and talk 100% about business.

Husband. Yup I do have a husband. My life partner. But I never seen him as my business partner since I started this business last year. His own work matters was never ending story. As a project manager I can't even talk about my business in our daily life. We do have different kind of thinking. Different kind of conversation. Even tho he's the one who gave me the capital for this business. But I guess he never interested in business. He was like a potential investor who never interested being a business partner.


How to find the right partner?

Though I enjoyed doing the business alone, which I can make own decision, use our business money sesuka hati, but in the end I still need to discuss, talk, and have a serious meeting with someone called business partner. You can't be 'syok sendiri' in business line right?

A good friend? Acquaintance? Co-worker? Sub-ordinate? Family? Would or would not make a good business partner? He/ she obviously will effect my livelihood and also I will spend more time with him or her more than I spend time with my spouse!

I would love to have someone who have high standard (business thinking) and good energy that will allowed us to conquer the world together. A very high expectation in what are we going to give (the best) to our customers even we need to work until late night without any complaining. Yup.. This is what I can see now at my business area. Staffs will start complaining about how difficult their task is. How much will they earn if they work overtime.

Honestly, I am not the one who likes to fight with others (except husband). I will rather being silence and fired them once they out of control. I have too much ideas in my mind but to analyze everything I will get exhausted and become sleepy head. In the end, I will stand still in the same spot. No movement. No changes.

But rather than serious criteria that I'm looking for, I will pick someone that I can have fun more than anything. Work is serious. But when it come to play part, I will choose to be fun.

We are going to spend more time at fabric factory. Went oversea trip together. Arghh..

Happiness is fun. Work is fun. Challenge is fun. Pray is fun. In the end, I will pick my business partner rather than my spouse. Ok.. Just kidding.

Now, let's start hunting. Let's move on. Let's have started!

Friday, 1 April 2016

Random thoughts on weekend

I was browsing some information regarding Business Sales Analyst through Google.

Marked 9 months of my Butik Roses business since last August we've started offline business.

It was not easy as we thought it is. We have been convinced by previous boutique owner that the sales will incredibly high as KLCC tower, but in the end only God knows how much we earn monthly if we only rely on boutique sales.

Yes we had non-stoppable made-to-order customer, but to be frank I will blame the Giant location itself. I mean. If I can give you a picture of the current situation at Giant Hypermarket now, you will understand why our sales never achieved our target every month.

Everybody knows that the location of our Giant is isolated from congested area. We are in haunted area. Where only nearest area of this Giant that can only afford to come and buy groceries here. They won't come here for leisure. It's kind of emergency exit whenever you need something ASAP.


But thank God I'm willing to learn how to increase the sales. We are tying harder to sell everything through online too. Like the old days story. Bla bla bla..

I take this as a challenge tho.  I'm just started with little capital. And I just have to learn and try harder. There won't be a shortcut to become rich and happy ever after. Waaaaaaa

Our latest product. Jubah or Abaya in duchess satin material. Luxe and of course covers Aurah 100%

But after handling this business alone for the past 8 months, I believed that there are few things that I have to trust and apply in order to achieve sales target every months.

No 1 - Never forget Allah S.W.T. Allah is always number 1 for me. The more you make Du'a to Him, the more He listened to you, the more He will help you. InsyaAllah. 

Never leave Solat Sunat Dhuha in your daily basis. Yup. I just started with the Solat Sunat Dhuha. The power of it? MasyaAllah. It was un-spokeable. I was shocked with the outcome. Alhamdulillah Ya Allah.

No 2 - Never make excuses in everything you did. 

Lazy. Tired. Negative thinking. These are all the poison for your failure. Plus, if you are the owner of the business, avoid all those bad attitude. Yup. There will be a day you become lazy. You became so tired and you can also avoid all negative thinking. But, please give a very deep thinking what will happen if you fall into all those bad habit? You won't get any advantages. In the end you are the one who hurt. 

No 3 - Customer always right

There's a situation in our boutique last week. Which is I think it is too hard to accept. Fussy customer. Yup. There are a lot of fussy customer in this world. We are as always trying our best to best giving our services without fail. But Allah knows best. There won't be any hardship that Nabi Muhammad S.A.W people can't avoid. There will be one. At least one. You can;t be happy all the time right?

I always stick to customer always right. Because with that quote, I know that I can avoid fights, greed and dissatisfaction between my staff and customer. Indeed. when it happens, Sabar or patient is the only cure for us as a seller.

Allahuabar. Actually there's a lot. But, I need to go somewhere. I have to do a lot of things today as one of my staff are day off.

InsyaAllah. I will come back and write about my journey to the business world. 

Even tho deep in my heart I always missing the safety boot. Safety helmet and safety vest. Allahuakbar. 

Till then guys.  


Sunday, 6 March 2016

Insurance Policy Cancel or Surrender or Terminate

Salam semua..

Lama aku tak bersiaran. Tengah sibuk tulis surat untuk cancel insurance mak aku..

Biasa lah.. Orang tua.. Kalau kol ke dia mana dia faham sangat pasal benda2 baru ni.. Zaman purba dulu mana ade insurance2 nih..

So, mak aku di kol oleh orang BSN. Offer insurance kata nya. Tak mahal pon. Ade 3 jenis covered insurance;

1 - Snatch Guard

2 - Hospital Income Plan Master Policy

3 - Home (aku tak ingat.lupa plak bawa policy tu)

So yang snatch guard bulan2 bayar RM20. Hospital income RM30.74. And yang home tu RM50 kot..

Total bulanan RM80+ la.. Tak banyak bagi sesetengah orang. Tapi bagi orang tua yang kuat berjimat cermat, RM10 tu precious sangat bagi dia.

So, mak aku start bayar insurance mula 2014. Dia mintak terminate la 2016. 2 tahun bayar. Dia minta aku cancel kan.. Tapi disebabkan takut kena deduct lagi duit dari duit simpanan bank BSN dia, aku pon suh mak aku kua kan semua duit dia..


Rasa macam tak berbaloi kan.. Memang pon.. Kalau nak ambik, ambik la yang padan ngan umo nya. Da tua ambik la hospital covered. Segala bagai disease tu.. Isk..

Sabo je la..

So last week aku kol la Customer Service dia. 1800 88 88 11. Tapi disebabkan bukan aku pemilik policy tu dia mintak mak aku cakap ngan dia.. Gila hape.. Mak aku kat Sarawak. Aku kat KL.

So, dia mintak aku tulis surat je.. Akan ambik masa 5 hari bekerja katanya..

So aku pon anta surat ke dia.. By email la kan of course. Email:

Nanti da dapat feedback dari AIG aku update lagi..




I had write the letter to AIG and after few days they replied and accept the termination. Maybe writing a letter is the fastest way guys!

If you need example of my letter, please email me ok.. Or you can drop your email at comment below.