Wednesday, 25 January 2017

Spinal Cord Tumor

Assalamualaikum semua.

Lama menghilang. Yesss.. Keje siang malam 7 days a week. Mau nya tak busy 👯

Ok. Back to the the title of this entry; Spinal Cord Tumor. Not me. Obviously. But my husband. 👲👲

Kejadian ni terjadi semasa laki aku kat Miri. Dia asyik mengadu sakit tulang belakang. Sampai lah tak boleh tido semua..

Time aku pegi Miri tu, memang dia tak boleh tido malam. Memang kesian gila. Berpeluh2 sebab sakit belakang. Pain killer tak payah cakap la..  Dia jumpa specialist. Doc tu kata macam sakit biasa. 👀👀 But knowing my husband. Dia memang ikut instict dia. Dia request nak buat MRI.

And then terus nampak tumor tu.. And his first sentence to me after get the MRI result is; Kalau saya pergi dulu macamana 😒😒 I was like... Whattt..

And then he showed me the MRI result. My first impression is; hurm.. it's just a tumor. Not a cancer.

Trying to think positive and encourage him not to worry much. Asked him to pack his thing and go back KL ASAP.

Since the specialist doc at Miri can't proceed with the surgery, he ask husband to look for neurosurgery at KL.

So, he proceed with surgery at Prince Court Medical Center. Alhamdulillah. Everything is fine now.

Now he staying at home. Rest and haunting my life back again. 💆💆

If you encounter the same problem like my husband, be positive and get treatment ASAP. Pray harder and insyaAllah, everything going to be OK.