Monday, 17 October 2016

Trip ke Miri 2016

Salam semua.

Sunyi sepi. I know. Not really busy but I have nothing to say here. Since I was unemployed for 2 years.

Alhamdulillah. Starting this coming November I will start working again. Same company and same job. Syukur. Only God knows how I miss working so much!

So, since last August my husband have been transferred to Miri. I didn't complained much about it since Miri is very close to my hometown. I know I always have a reason to go back to my hometown one day.

Indeed it was true! Sekarang ni pegi Miri je singgah dulu Limbang. Visit my parents and buy groceries for them. It was a blessed!

So last week, which is few days ago I went Miri again. Visit my lonely husband and he brought me to this famous beach at Miri. I am Sarawakian but I never knew this place is exist. Gosh!

The place was so pretty and clean! I've been a few beaches at Peninsular before but I guess this Tusan beach is way to pretty that I ever met!. If you stopping by at Miri, make sure you visit this beach ok? It took us about 30 minutes from city.

Stop being serious and get beautiful shot here.. 

I feel like we're having a shoot for Descendant Of the Sun ; Malay Version. ;p

It's not a candid. But a friend of him was talking to us while the camera was on 8 seconds timer.

Yeah. I wear a wrong shoes on that day. That's the only heels that I wear from KL for 2 days trip. Be careful while stepping down to the beach. 

There's a cave behind us. But full with liquor and beer and rubbish =(

It's #followmeto pose with hubs. Poyo ok. Bye

Signature pose in front of the sign. People will trust me right? 

And. You have to try this whenever you come to this place! This thing is way far better than Sangkaya at KL. And it only cost you RM6 for 3 scoops ice cream. So nyummy!

This is our first time coming here. If you have a Waze Apps in your phone, make sure you search for Tusan Beach. We are using it too. Alhamdulillah. The journey was ease and well. 

So, place to go when you are in Miri. Tusan Beach!

I hope you understand this post very well.

Till then. See ya.