Wednesday, 25 June 2014

Another week of rest :)


I'm giving a week rest from work again,'s my pleasure though!

Happy? Yes! Tapi kesian kat colleagues aku terpaksa wat sume kerja2 aku la..

Sakit aku ni bukan aku yang minta. Mungkin ada hikmah nya. Aku pon tengok rezeki laki aku terlampau melimpah ruah this year.. Tapi Tuhan tarik plak nikmat kesihatan isteri dia..

Aku pasrah.

Laki aku tengah sibuk dengan projek dia kat KK. Since aku admitted ari tu dia balik la kejap. Aku dah try persuade dia tak yah balik.. Tapi dia tetap nak balik gak. Ngam plak dia ade meeting kt KL..

Ari ni dia balik KK dah.. Since aku cuti panjang, aku la plak yang kena melawat dia kat sana. Dahla nak pose. Boleh pose sama2 1st day pose nanti.. :)

Feast kat IKEA. Ambik kau.. Sakit kan.. Haha

Husband never failed to amazed me, never stop be patient with me, never failed to satisfied my craving. Syukur lah kan.. 

Semoga Tuhan bagi rezeki anak lepas kteorg balik dari Jepun. Kami tak desperate sangat. Sebab kteorg tau Allah sentiasa ade plan untuk semua umat dia.. So, stop asking me, bile aku nak ade anak???

Malas aku nak layan..Kikiki..

Aku da nekad nak resign. At least aku nak cri kerja yang banyak duduk ofis. Kesian kat paru-paru aku..

Aku pon asyik makan antibiotik and inhaler je.. I need to be healthy as normal!

Keje 0 satuuu!



Saturday, 21 June 2014

Warded again at PCMC :(

Assalamualaikum semua..

Baru keluar dr hospital 3 mggu lepas. lepas kerja balik seminggu, (1 week m.c given by doc), aku da terlantar balik di hospital. Gosh..

Ternyata aku tak mampu melawan ketentuan Tuhan. Sekuat mana pon kita, kalau dah ditakdirkan untuk jatuh sakit, sakit la kita..

Alhamdulillah kan.. Sakit itu kan penghapus dosa2 kecil..

Marked on 19th June 2014, I was admitted again at PCMC due to 4 continuous days high fever; temperature badan 39 - 42 degree celcius. High kan??

Aku dalam dilemma. Aku dah confirm my office mate, my colleagues, my superior and also my boss will disqualified me in their team :(

Sapa nak orang sakit dalam team projek Mega tu kan? Sob!

Tapi aku pasti.. Ketentuan Tuhan tu pasti ade hikmah nya..

Back to warded stories. Ari ni dah hari ke - 3 aku warded. Lepas je masuk demam aku pon abis.. Haha lawak betol.. Tapi itu pon lepas NaCl (air drip) tu msuk ke dlm bdn aku..

Lepas je drip tu di cabut, sebab doc nak tgk aku demam semula tak.. Nah.. Badan aku panas semula..

Aihh.. Padahal aku baru je di bagi antibiotik liquid..

Semoga aku sihat dengan segera.. Mak aku sampai Isnin ni.. Kalau aku masih warded, mesti dorang risau.. Huhu

Doakan aku please. Tq

Monday, 2 June 2014

Anniversary Celebration at Prince Court Medical Center

Assalamualaikum semua,

Aku punya 3rd anniversary kat PCMC.. Sob sob..

As you all know that I was admitted at PCMC on 30th May 2014 - 1st June 2014. M.C will extend until 6th June 2014.

It was officially admitted as I went myself to PCMC, met with respiratory specialist and he turn me in!


I have 2 different 'diseases' for this past few months.. First one is my skin (refer to my previous entry la), and second one is my long time coughing.

Malam 29th May 2014 tu aku tak boleh tido sangat.. Batuk, batuk and batuk sampai terkencing2.. Bangun pagi tu, kepala berat, badan panas and hidung tersumbat.. Tapi aku tak kabo pon ngan laki aku.. Aku cuma bgtau dia aku nak M.C..

Actually it was not the first day I have that kind of fever.. Almost everyday! Ko tahan ke tak tahan mcm tu? Mn nak pk kerja lg.. Tak kan nk M.C je tiap ari kan??

So I was thinking, alang2 aku tgh busy appointment ngan dermatologist specialist, baik aku ssettlekan skali maslah batuk aku kat PCMC..

So, aku pon pegi la mintak referal letter dari Klinik Perdana and straight away go to PCMC..

At that time I didn't even think about how much money I had, in order to get medication at PCMC.. Shame on me kan.. Aku confident sebab aku tau aku bakal mintak duit laki aku.. Haha

I went straight to Emergency Department and they send me to Respiratory Specialist..

Kena register dulu la kan.. Outpatient counter.. Nasib aku da ade rekod kat PCMC.. Easy for me.. At that time I chose payment method; 'Self Pay'.. Malas nak cuba insurans punya as both insurances covers for admission.. Damn it kan..

Room Rates at PCMC.. Baru kot.. 
 So, lepas jumpa dengan Respiratory Specialist; Dr Daniel, which is veryyyy nice person, dia advice aku buat X-Ray untuk lung.. Sebab aku bgtau aku da batuk more than 6 months..

Lama kan? Indeed! Not that I didn't do anything to sort it out but I almost get same answered from all clinics! Shit! They said it's normal.. They said I have asthma???? Hell no!

So, after done with X-Ray, he said I have Lung Infection! For God sake! I've been carrying a dust in my lung for all this time! Hahaha

So, he said unfortunately I have to be admitted for few days at PCMC.. What a pleasure!! Finally somebody care about my coughing and my strange sound from my lung! Huhu I lebiu la Dr Daniel!

So, admission process tooks about few hours and I get a standard room which I don't even think that I'm at the hospital. It was looks like a 3* hotel though!

My bed, my sofa bed for husband

Huge toilet and bathroom.. With toiletries kit inside!

My very earliest visitors! Thanks guys; my ex-boss & ex-colleagues!

So, first day I received my nebulizer and few pills.. Benda paling aku selesa kat wad PCMC adalah hospitality dan environment kat PCMC mmg kelasssss.. You get what you paid! Seriously! 

Aku tak boleh imagine duduk dalam wad yang penuh orang, semua katil penuh ngan sanak saudara.. Aku ni sedara jauh kat Sarawak.. Sobs.. Husband was so satisfied with the room also.. Laki aku kan suka privacy.. Haha

The food here at PCMC also marvelous and super nyummy!

 So, untuk menu makanan, there's a guy that will knock your door and take an order on what food you want to eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner based on your type of diet. Mine is "Regular Diet'.. I even can eat steak and ice cream! LOL!!

Punya malu kan.. Tapi makanan dia memang banyak choices and puas hati.. Tengok gamba makanan kat atas tu, chicken teriyaki is the best!

Since husband aku memang nak kena pegi KK ahad tu, 1st June 2014.. Aku ingat nak discharge je.. Kesian laki aku.. Tak kan nak delay kan flight semata-mata aku kan.. Aku pon tension tengok dia dok jawab fon tak berenti2..
Dr Daniel suggest me to do the CT Scan & Ultrasound 

Dari ujian darah aku liver aku mcm ade problem ckit.. Tu yang Dr Daniel mintak aku buat Ultrasound bagai.. Aku suka... Tolong la insurance cover.. Haha 

So, petang Sabtu tu Dr Daniel dtg jumpa aku kat ward and cek ape yang patut.. He told me he will not available for few days at PCMC and his colleague will incharge..

Aku tanya la kalau nak discharge boleh ke.. Dia ckp boleh je.. Damn it.. Jackpot la kan.. Aku bukan teruk sangat pon.. As long as I know what is the root cause of my sick then I will choose to rest at home la..

Nak discharge punya lama..Sampai kan aku di suruh balik dulu sebab Guarantee Letter dari insurance tak settle2 lagi..

Suck kan.. Bayar sendiri lagi best..Kalau mampu la.. Hahaha

Souvenier dari PCMC.. 1 bag!

So, sekarang aku dok rumah je la.. Kalua klua pon aku elakkan pegi mall yang crowded.. Indoor je..  Sementara tunggu Allergic Test Result..

Insurance won't cover Allergic Test at hospital and it was cost RM500+..  Since I have to do that test, and agreed by husband to proceed (need his approval as he's the one who pay!) I just need to wait the result next week.. 

My next appointment with Dr Daniel is next Friday! More consultation fees to pay! Yeay~ If you want to be healthy, please do not be so cheapskate! Trust me, I paid thousand ringgit to see specialist at Normal Clinic out there and they only can reduce the pain, not cure the sick! Please go straight to hospital guys! Don't wasting your money if you think normal clinic can't help it!

Till then, love PCMC!