Thursday, 28 July 2022

It's my 36th Birthday olls

 Time sure fly so fast. 

Not sure when is the last time I wrote a blog.

Hey you all. Today is my birthday and I am very happy to tell you that I am heading to 4 series in the next 4 years. 


Banyak nak update. banyak nak cerita but, since I'm at office. Yes. I am back working. Now with a new title; Working Mom.

My Liam will be 14 months in next 2 weeks. My adorable baby. He always makes me want to have another baby. Baby girl pulak please after this. But since my fertility doc said he cannot check the gender, so be it. 

From MRT to ECRL. I'm sure a hardcore engineer. Never get a chance to work in small company nor small project. Everytime get a chance to interview, interviewer will always giving a same answer; YOU ARE TOO QUALIFIED! What the heck right? I mean.. Don't you want someone as good as me working at your company?


Got a cake and bouquet for my birthday today from my sisters. Sister's love surely pure and endless. Glad to have them in my life.

Tak pasti if anyone will still reading a blog. It looks like no one bother to read a blog anymore now. Or maybe I am too old to read a fiction stories live from another human. 

Can't wait for my probation period ended. I can use my AL ASAP. 

There you go guys. An update after few years long silence. Haha

Still in the same size like 10 years before? After giving a birth my body still in the same shape. Syukur lah kan. 

Till next time guys. Hug n kisses from me to yours. 

Monday, 7 September 2020

Somerset Kuala Lumpur

 Merdeka 2020 staycation at Somerset Kuala Lumpur.

The main purpose of this staycation is to watch fireworks. Well, it didn't end well. Since no fireworks around KLCC that midnight. So sad! I mean, its not that we gather in crowd in 1 place. Why on earth fireworks can be quarantined also 😓

That's one thing. Another thing is, this hotel limitation (due to Covid 19) to the pool, gym and restaurant is ridiculous. 

Gym can be entered by 2 pax per session. I don't ask per session is how long. And pool entry is 4 pax per session. I was like hurm? I don't have any plan to swim tho. Just for few photos. Yup. Cannot! And if you take the room including the breakfast, please, I suggest you order the food by Grab or Food Panda. Their food for breakfast is not-up-to-hotel-standard. Mee goreng (too dry) with telur mata. Ye I know we should bersyukur but, hurmm..

Kau dah kenapa semua nya ko limit. 

I do understand due to Covid 19 bla bla bla bla.

But, there's a but there. Not everything is bad here. Their room is outrageous. Perfect! Huge! And I can give 9/10 for the room. 

There's plenty of space enough for 8 pax per room. The room is huge man. Study room, changing room, toilet and living room area is so perfect. 

Kitchen area also complete with oven, kitchenette, all cooking accessories. Washing machine, dryer, and the list is long. 

Umbrella. Bathrobe, laundry bucket, etc.. Huge refrigerator. You can stay here for a month 😄

The view is construction site. Haha

If you want to stay at the perfect types of home. The answer is Somerset KL. Whatever you need in a house called as home, please, stay here. But if you need to use pool or gym, it is better if you don't come here on weekend. 

Guys, I dont' check the grammar since I write this in hurry. I still hope you can understand. Not English teacher tho. Till then. 


Wednesday, 23 October 2019

Kisah kehamilan dan kedukaan

Salam semua..

Senyap dah ni untuk berapa bulan dan berapa tahun. Hiks

So, lepas 8 tahun kahwin, aku disahkan mengandung untuk pertama kali. Aku tak perasan aku mengandung. From my previous post, yang aku pegi Mangala Resort tu, actually aku da mengandung. Cuma aku yang tak tau.....

So this whole story bermula bulan August - September 2019. Aku last period 4 July 2019. So 15/9 tu aku ade farewell party. Makan segala durian and nenas.. Tapi aku makan sikit je. Sebab mcm da rs lain bdn ni.. Bukan rs da gemuk sgt, rasa lain macam la..

Within that week aku rasa aku cepat mengantuk.. tym driving pn hampir tertidur.. breast sakit yak malam lepas farewell party tu aku singgah farmasi bli 2 UPT. Balik umah check. Both double line. Ape aku rasa tym tu? Ya Allah. Kuatnya doa mak aku kat Mekah.. baru 2 minggu mak aku g Mekah menunaikan haji..


 Terang double line nya. So malam tu aku sujud syukur sekali. And thinking should I tell my husband yet. Haha this whole situation is so alien to us. But in the end aku kabo gak laki aku.. And his reaction was, jum g klinik sekarang. Padahal time tu dah jam 11pm. Mengantuk aku nk melayan. So we decided to go Hospital Azalea the next day. Not knowing that kalau xde appointment tak leh main datang je kan jumpa doc.. haha so we went tu klinik berdekatan instead.

And it confirmed that I pregnant through the ultrasound. Alhamdulillah.

So, on 29/8 tu, aku spatutnya pegi Singapore. So far aku wat checkup kat KK and HAzalea, both tak mengggalakkan aku naik flight lg la. Tapi kalau aku x pegi Singapore, tak de sape la boleh ganti adhock. So I went to Singapore on 29/8. Balik KL malam tu jugak. Nothing happen. Baby is fine..

Nak dijadikan cerita mak ayah aku balik dari Mekah 4/9..And aku x beli lg tiket. Aku try ckp kt mak aku if aku x blk xpe ke.. then ada la ayat2 sedih mak aku.. then aku pn bli la tiket flight. Return to KL  flight aku lambat 2 jam dr akak n adik aku. Sbb mahal kan bli last minute.

Masa landing KL tu flight landing teruk gile. Hentak kuat.. Tiba2 pinggang aku sakit gila2.. the next day aku g keje, nampak ketulan kepala baby.. Then aku pun cuak pegi la HAzalea. And baby da xde heartbeat. Sedih and blur aku..

So, bila baby dah disahkan xde heartbeat, doc bg MC seminggu. And in the same time aku ade appointment ngn KK 2 hari kmudian nya. Doc tanya nak cuci ke nak tunggu. Aku tgk lepas ketulan darah kelua tu, da xde darah lg. So, aku decide nak buat D&C kat hospital gomen. Aku minta referal letter ke Hospital Putrajaya. Lepas tu terus pegi hospital putrajaya, dia suh pegi PBBR. Pusat bersalin berisiko rendah kat P8. Check pastu aku plak demam kuat. X boleh nak D&C kalau demam.. Doc bg masa seminggu lagi untuk check lg. Ok fine..

Then the next week, da ready nk D&C doc kata bilik pembedahan penuh. Tak de slot. Rs nak mengamuk plak. Pastu dia kol kan hospital serdang, penuh jugak. 😭

Grrrrr.... then last2 pegi la Salam Specialist Shah Alam. Buat appointment untuk esok buat D&C. Orang nk berjimat. Last2 swasta jugak 😂

On 20/9/19 aku pn D&C. Took 30 min je kot..pagi pergi, petang balik.. Abis jugak 2 ribu nak D&C. Haha

So kesimpulannya sini, first trimester duduk diam2 eh. Stop la naik flight. And for this 2 months aku rs fobia nak naik flight.

Ok. Nanti mak update lg. Semoga ade rezeki baby lg..

Monday, 5 August 2019

Trip ke Mangala Resort & Spa 2019

Trip ke Mangala Resort & Spa, Gambang Kuantan. Unplanned Trip. Without my husband and only with my sister. So called 'A Ladies Only Trip' Haha

Mula mula nak amik Royal Chulan or Kasturi kat Cherating je. But, last minit found out this Mangala. So why not kan? Plus, lagi dekat dari KL.. 

Pilihan untuk which hotel nak duduk. Not that cheap though. Sebab nak privacy lebih. 

This room damaged me RM900/night. Yeah I know.. This is costly but back to original purpose why I need this holiday. To relax and unwind myself. So get it?

This is the entrance. You barely can see it 😂

Since I studied in UMP for 4 years, this area is not so alien to me. And fyi, this resort is totally opposite of UMP. How cool is that. Haha

The entrance. Thats my sister..

I feel like I’m in Bali when we approching the lobby area. Their building design, ID, and scenery is not so local type. And I can count how many people only inside this resort on that day since we went there during weekdays.

Welcome drink Pandan Coconut & Hot Towel

So I heard from our their worker Manish (not sure if the spell is correct) , coconut that we drank was fresh from their resort plantation which I agreed as I saw a lot of coconut tree surrounding this resort. Air kelapa manis2 pandan.. Sedapp..

At lobby area

Buggy ride to the room

So, we need a buggy to go to our room. It’s quite far. Oh, aku panggil akak aku n anak2 dia of course since our room got pool..
And visitor can stay at room until 7pm. 



Nice bed


Dare to show off your booty. 😂

Morning breakfast. Peaceful. No one! Haha

Since only few rooms occupied on that day, so, there's no buffet. Which is fine with me. Get to order anything, limitless! Haha

Get a mood before you jump in. Haha

Empty. Nice dining area

Yeah. Still empty. Haha

So, how big is the room, what is the pool dimension, what is the resort address, get all info from their website or Agoda.

I couldn't remember. The only thing that I remember is, since I didn't bring my own toothbrush, so I had to use resort one. 

Unfortunately, their fragile brush ruining my holiday mood. When you brush your teeth, all the brush was scatter around my mouth and some of it was stuck at my throat. So bad quality of toothbrush. I can't believe it was toothbrush from 5* resort. Haha

I write to the Resort Management but unfortunately only their helpdesk replied say they are sorry. So frustrated. They said this is the first complained of their lovely toothbrush. Hahahhaa

You know, if you intend to come here, please bring your own amenity kits, so you won't be frustrated and hurt like me. 

Shame on you Mangela. Proper applogize will be better for me. 

Till then. 

Wednesday, 25 January 2017

Spinal Cord Tumor

Assalamualaikum semua.

Lama menghilang. Yesss.. Keje siang malam 7 days a week. Mau nya tak busy 👯

Ok. Back to the the title of this entry; Spinal Cord Tumor. Not me. Obviously. But my husband. 👲👲

Kejadian ni terjadi semasa laki aku kat Miri. Dia asyik mengadu sakit tulang belakang. Sampai lah tak boleh tido semua..

Time aku pegi Miri tu, memang dia tak boleh tido malam. Memang kesian gila. Berpeluh2 sebab sakit belakang. Pain killer tak payah cakap la..  Dia jumpa specialist. Doc tu kata macam sakit biasa. 👀👀 But knowing my husband. Dia memang ikut instict dia. Dia request nak buat MRI.

And then terus nampak tumor tu.. And his first sentence to me after get the MRI result is; Kalau saya pergi dulu macamana 😒😒 I was like... Whattt..

And then he showed me the MRI result. My first impression is; hurm.. it's just a tumor. Not a cancer.

Trying to think positive and encourage him not to worry much. Asked him to pack his thing and go back KL ASAP.

Since the specialist doc at Miri can't proceed with the surgery, he ask husband to look for neurosurgery at KL.

So, he proceed with surgery at Prince Court Medical Center. Alhamdulillah. Everything is fine now.

Now he staying at home. Rest and haunting my life back again. 💆💆

If you encounter the same problem like my husband, be positive and get treatment ASAP. Pray harder and insyaAllah, everything going to be OK.

Saturday, 26 November 2016

Working mode on

Assalamualaikum semua.

Yeah. You hear me. I'm back to the railway track! Now I am working back at my lovely company. MMC-Gamuda!

Getting my second chance working here. God! I miss working so much!

The opportunity came when my hubby decided to accept an offer working for a year (hope so) at Miri's branch. Leaving his beautiful wife behind. Yeahh business still going on. But I found that business is not that challenging in physical side. Business is all about money. Money,money, and money. How are you going to manage the capital, profit, and staffs!

So, after my husband left me for a month. I tried contact my ex-colleague and she said there's an opening for few posts at MMC-Gamuda. Gosh. I was thinking. Am I fit enough to work again as an engineer? Am I still had that knowledge in site operation? And the most important thing, will my boss agreed to re-hire me again?

But I did not feel ashamed with this re-applied job because I quit the company because I'm sick. I'm getting infected because of my work and I don't want my colleague holding my workload any longer.

Even after I quit, I did not apply job to another company. I was so loyal to MMC Gamuda back then. So, after I sent my resume to my boss and he directly send it to HR department, they were asking me to do the medical check up first due to my lung infection before. Am I fit to work or not. You bet.

Alhamdulillah. My medical check up shows that I am perfectly fine now! So, after few days, they called me and asking me when I'm going to start working. I was quite shocked cause I will not require any interview session. Yippie!

So I told them that I want to start on 1st November 2016. I remembered that day when they call me, I was at hospital, accompany my mother for her monthly check up. I was not clearly listen when the HR admin call me asking for salary arrangement. I just say yes and yes. I should asking more! Yeah I know that.

So, on 1st November I started my first day until now. Alhamdulillah. Couldn't say more about this. I know that working always makes me happy!

1 picture for you all. Hiks

No matter what you plan for your future. You will be amazed on how Allah put things our life in order. Always be grateful and Thank You Allah!

Monday, 17 October 2016

Trip ke Miri 2016

Salam semua.

Sunyi sepi. I know. Not really busy but I have nothing to say here. Since I was unemployed for 2 years.

Alhamdulillah. Starting this coming November I will start working again. Same company and same job. Syukur. Only God knows how I miss working so much!

So, since last August my husband have been transferred to Miri. I didn't complained much about it since Miri is very close to my hometown. I know I always have a reason to go back to my hometown one day.

Indeed it was true! Sekarang ni pegi Miri je singgah dulu Limbang. Visit my parents and buy groceries for them. It was a blessed!

So last week, which is few days ago I went Miri again. Visit my lonely husband and he brought me to this famous beach at Miri. I am Sarawakian but I never knew this place is exist. Gosh!

The place was so pretty and clean! I've been a few beaches at Peninsular before but I guess this Tusan beach is way to pretty that I ever met!. If you stopping by at Miri, make sure you visit this beach ok? It took us about 30 minutes from city.

Stop being serious and get beautiful shot here.. 

I feel like we're having a shoot for Descendant Of the Sun ; Malay Version. ;p

It's not a candid. But a friend of him was talking to us while the camera was on 8 seconds timer.

Yeah. I wear a wrong shoes on that day. That's the only heels that I wear from KL for 2 days trip. Be careful while stepping down to the beach. 

There's a cave behind us. But full with liquor and beer and rubbish =(

It's #followmeto pose with hubs. Poyo ok. Bye

Signature pose in front of the sign. People will trust me right? 

And. You have to try this whenever you come to this place! This thing is way far better than Sangkaya at KL. And it only cost you RM6 for 3 scoops ice cream. So nyummy!

This is our first time coming here. If you have a Waze Apps in your phone, make sure you search for Tusan Beach. We are using it too. Alhamdulillah. The journey was ease and well. 

So, place to go when you are in Miri. Tusan Beach!

I hope you understand this post very well.

Till then. See ya.